31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 539544 - Text: The way her entire demeanor changed from the first two videos. 😢 I hope she finds someone she will be willing to accept guidance.

id: 539556 - Text: This video feels like a pet owner shaming their dog. It's kind of excessive and disgusting, honestly. You're going about things from a high horse, dude. It's not changed, throughout the years. Which is unfortunate.

id: 539591 - Text: She probably doesn’t have kids and that she scammed him from the beginning by watching the his videos, he should do research on the people he’s helping before giving them money and stuff.

id: 539601 - Text: I would be interested in seeing the video 5 years from now she would make

id: 539612 - Text: I can't believe this guy just came on the video n showed his ass like wtf

id: 539643 - Text: THIS GUY SUCKS. He just spent the whole video exposing her and she barely talked. It’s like, aren’t these the people making YOU money because of how hard their lives are? Maybe don’t drag them and leave them with dignity? This guy is so self righteous for someone that was also paying her with viewer funds. Smh

id: 539662 - Text: Look, first time I'm watching this video. And, I'm making no judgements. But a ZEBRA can never change its stripes.

id: 539674 - Text: I had a bad feeling about her from the first video, your a good man mark but take my advise protect yourself, keep a gun and less than 200 dollars on you when you do this shit. The world can’t afford to lose a role model like you!

id: 539677 - Text: The streets have been rough on her and millions of others. When I watch these videos. I sit and wonder what they could have accomplished and were they could be today. I see so many ppl on here that remind me of myself. Messing up as a young man. 19 yrs old. Went to prison for aggravated vesicular homicide, tampering with evidence and distribution of narcotics. Not a day goes by that I wish I can go back and change how I started falling. Ive pimped women. Ive sold drugs since age 17 till after I was released from prison. Up untill 2018. 21 years I wasnt shit . 21 years was wasted. Thank you for what you're doing. Theres hope that this 42 yr old still has a life and still living.

id: 539711 - Text: Ok the first video she was so talkative and now she don't want to speak. This man gave u a life line, that's why it's crazy how u can't put yrself out there to help someone and get caught up, when I saw her episode i fell for it and wanted to help her
