31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 539718 - Text:  @yesyes...  you obviously aren't an active listener the start of the video he talks about driving by her house @ 5:30 am then asking for a second key to her apartment he's giving her money but if you loan someone money that u don't expect back what else are u getting in return nothing in life is free? She is a sex worker he wanted to be praised but got the opposite and his tone the way he says things makes him sound like a creep which I'm pretty sure he is most ppl that deal with these kinds of ppl are trying to use money and godsent like actions to control them no they aren't being pimped out but it's a different type of control over someone

id: 539783 - Text: And I’m not defending this chick or saying that she spent the money on living expenses or anything like that, I’m just saying it’s a lot more expensive there than it is in most places. She could’ve lived decently on that money but she blew it or gave it to this loser in the video which is a real shame. I hope karma is real and it comes for her ass. She deserves it.

id: 539802 - Text: If you see her body language compared to the last video, she looks defeated and beaten, totally mentally shutdown. All the people saying she cheated/grifted Mark... Well not really... Shes fallen back into an abusive, dangerous and self destructive lifestyle which just shows that money was never the problem. Just like most people in these videos, she has a childhood and lifetime of trauma and abuse, she literally has tattooed face covering "brand marks" from the pimps that have owned her.

id: 539848 - Text: I don't think he understands much about gang/street life, once she's in, she's in for life unless she's killed. No matter how far he moves her away from that invironent, she won't actually get out unless police put her and her kids in witness protection, totally start over all together as someone else. I also can see the disappointment and embarrassment in her eyes and on her face, like she knew she could have used that money to make a better life, but she had no choice but to go back to her pimp, when he started talking about not being her boyfriend and being the money manager you could see the embarrassment sweep across her... I truly think she needs help getting out and starting over fresh, but unfortunately I don't think you are the one who can actually make it happen, like you said you don't need to be out here fighting a bunch of gang members. Her eyes tell everything, she has hurt and pain them, you can tell she still has a heart under that tough shell she, thank you for helping her, I hope she maybe someday sees this video or reads this comment and truly understand that there are millions of women out there just like you that have left that life behind, with the help of different agencies who will hide you out,help recreate a different life, become a new person, so you can leave that old life for good , you don't have to be scared or used as a sex toy anymore, you and your children deserve happiness. 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

id: 539893 - Text: Soon as I seen the first video I could tell what she was.. There stuck in there ways in hustling. They don’t know how to accept good help. What goes around comes around. I can’t believe how she did this to mark and all the people that supported him to help her when that money could of really needed it. No sorry no nothing. They don’t feel bad.

id: 539936 - Text: This third video broke my heart. I can hear such a huge story in all her silence... and when the guy comes in, her face just changes, all get body language.. she looks like she's about to cry. And I can't stop wondering where are her boys staying? He sounded like he was "taking care" of then too and I get the feeling he or the gang might have threatened her with her kids... I'm just sad.

id: 539941 - Text: All she wants is whatever your giving her for this video she cares nothing about what your saying.

id: 539962 - Text: I knew as soon as I started watching her second video she was gaming !! If you know you know ... But I mean shit , shortly got her nails done tho ... smh Sad thing about all of it is , the look on her face wasn't about the opportunity lost , it was disgust for getting caught .. she belongs to the streets , doesn't know what love is or even the meaning of the word . . May God have mercy on her soul 😔

id: 539966 - Text: Surprising that mark was sending that much money without questioning, also maybe not a good idea to talk about things like that on the videos as may just encourage more fakers trying to get onto the channel for a payday or worse. The irony of that hope hoody aswell, she pretty much won the hope lottery and blew it. And for the dude….he’s supposidly some hard gang banger but can’t even be honest about where the money was going

id: 539969 - Text: You are a horrible egotistical gross person interviewer. Wtf? You are not doing an interview you are feeding your ego and making someone feel horrible. This is not the first time I’ve heard and seen or commented but it’s the last. You should take a good look in the mirror and replace your face with hers. Reverse you and her all and this video wouldn’t be up. Trust me. Peace out you are not helping people. WOW!
