58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 461389 - Text:  @walterl8451  Sex work is actually empowering for women. Don't be fooled by puritans and other clueless people in the mainstream media.

id: 461391 - Text:  @walterl8451  What would those unintended consequences be and how would they be a negative if sex work was normalized?

id: 461414 - Text: You are projecting your bias against sex workers. There is nothing inherently wrong with what she is doing.

id: 461428 - Text: I’m all about being an entrepreneur when you put sexual stuff in the mix I lose complete respect. This is a very entitled woman who had some Arrested Development going on. She’s no different from the stripper proud of herself that she put herself through law school by stripping. This woman didn’t have to do any of that. I respect someone who can make a lot of money doing something respectful and legit.

id: 461440 - Text: He was the best dad in the world, and she rewarded him by being a sex worker I feel so sorry for that man

id: 461473 - Text: You lose respect because you have an inherent bias against sex work because you have yet to critically think about what it actually is.

id: 461481 - Text: ​ @MarillSweatshirt  Incorrect. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. The reality is you rubes are celebrating this woman for sexualizing yourself, which we are told by feminists at nauseum not to do, while her children will pay the price for her actions. I'm sure the relentless bullying and years of therapy will totally be worth it for them. You are the ones being small and stupidly buying into this nonsense.

id: 461498 - Text:  @stevely  no she just probably shouldn’t be a sex worker

id: 461540 - Text: I’m glad she’s opened about her sexuality, people shouldn’t judge.

id: 461567 - Text: Im a 20 year vet who has a farm & was never hooked on drugs. Please tell me about how such "lifestyle" is harmful? Sexworkers are individuals, these ridiculous stereotypes by people who never did our work makes people like you look dumber than us. Taking $ for something that most do for free shouldn't be a lable on us. Sorry we're not "free " for you.
