31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 540010 - Text:  @laurakuzma5657  I’m not arguing that what she did was wrong. I said we don’t know the full scope of what HE was providing her outside of just money. Calling him an idiot with a savior complex is an ignorant comment coming from someone who knows absolutely nothing about what’s being done outside of this video. Making a judgement like that based on a single video is what’s truly idiotic.

id: 540045 - Text: The US military considers a tattoo above the shoulders is a sign mental instability or illness. I think this video sheds a bright light on the fact that it could be true. I feel nothing for these two low life POS's. Either of these wastes of life get in my way I'm gonna need a shallow hole. 🪓⛏

id: 540057 - Text: smh you can tell she just truly don’t gaf. 🤦🏻‍♀️ She didn’t apologize or take accountability for shit. She only cared about the money .. & if she was away from him for awhile it’s clear she has options. You did your job Mark ♥️ I lived a life on the streets because of my mom and can relate a lot to the people in your videos. I love what you’re doing. I hope one day I can give back to the streets as well. Sadly we get tricked by mfs like her when we are good people but don’t let that change you ✊🏼♥️

id: 540084 - Text: There's a reason his name is Mark... Everyone in the comments feeling sorry for him, take a step back and look at the big picture. He might mean well, but these videos are the definition of exploitation. Therefore it's only natural one of the subjects would exploit the exploiter.

id: 540159 - Text: A huge disappointed sigh came out seeing this video. I hope she gets help... I have been involved in domestic violence and there's 2 huge things - you have to want to change and to change you have to start a new life and if that means moving states then so be it.

id: 540169 - Text: Never ever give away our power There was no way of knowing this was going to happen bless you for doing this work and helping others it's good she sat there and listened. You've done much more than anyone could have asked for, another reminder that we can't help people that don't want to help themselves $300 $400 every day is a lot of money to give somebody let alone 1000 or 2 a good reminder to keep healthy boundaries on giving increments and only giving what's needed not anymore She should look into videos on codependency and love addiction not paying attention to red flags not having healthy boundaries for ourselves and others which you ended up doing not listening to that internal voice What we think is love is usually manipulation attachments codependency expectations and fantasy love doesn't operate on that kind of vibration with the kind of relationship she's in that's not love Not even an apology or any accountability - the guilt and the shame kick in, some are not deserving of others help them and when we do things like this we will continue to shame ourselves. Narcissistic patterns with this kind of hustling mentality it goes hand-in-hand really sad so much potential but remember don't give up on you you might have made this very grave mistake along with others but it's never too late to get back on track but I also can't believe that she still asking for money even $25 breaking those ties breaking those toxic Cycles and toxic people which can also mean ourselves taken major steps on changing 🙏💛 Deeep Deeep Breaths this was a heavy one

id: 540196 - Text: This lady played you. She looked at Mark as a sugar daddy (an older man that gives gifts) when her real daddy is he pimp in the video. Her reasoning is she was abused as a child and she had no daddy in her life. Her trust in men is distorted because it's about sex and hustling. When she turns 30, she's still going to be tricking. You had an older light skinned woman who is 40 with an adult daughter who is still hustling and justifies her choices because the quick money. I give my best wishes to the Whitakers family and they deserved more of the help.

id: 540220 - Text: Though this channel is creative and eye opening, this video is very unsettling.. for many reasons… how caring to give someone a way out, yet uncaring for telling them the truth about their responsibility….. I heard a lot of excusing the behavior at the end, blaming everything but the person. I don’t care if you’re Christian or not, but the set of morals that is embedded in every person is still inside of us screaming right from wrong…. My father was abused, had an alcoholic father who beat him and left my grandmother for another woman… my dad grew up in complete poverty, in the projects…. He resembles nothing of that life. Do them the bigger favor and tell them the TRUTH…. They have control over their choices and they make bad choices. That is more helpful than the handout they took advantage of.

id: 540223 - Text: If she cant take care of her kids she definitely cant take care of herself I wish the best for her. And u sir need to watch who u help I could tell 30sec into video she willnever leave the streets.

id: 540246 - Text: Dude I enjoy these interviews except for this one. You might have given this chick lots of money over time help to get into an apartment but I can see and hear by your words that you felt annoyed, hurt and anything you did for her wasn't taken into consideration as a caring human being for her. BUT seriously though you stepped over The line. Getting or wanting a key to get into the apartment that you feel you paid for...really? For all you know you could have walked in to a really bad situation and have been murdered for trespassing. Don't let your heart get wrapped up in some of these individuals. Seriously it's not worth it. You know her pimping and give you back any of the money and she will never stop lying to get funds in order to take care of pimp boyfriend. When you asked him questions it was all about him. Use your experience to from this video in review and see where you can hone in your skills and pull your heart back. Review it at least four or five times and let go of your feelings. You need to pray to put a shield around your heart at times. What you do with this program soft white underbelly is a good project. It has definitely opened the eyes of many people to see what life is like when you choose a path that is not the same as main stream America. Well I wish you well get it together though 🧐
