31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 540649 - Text: Damn I felt sorry for her in the initial video and then the follow up I was happy for her. Now I’m mad at her. Maybe I shouldn’t be because she’s clearly not right in the head but fuck did she screw up this rare opportunity from Mark who wanted to help her with nothing in return. He had genuine intentions to get het out of that life. You can take her out the streets but you can’t take the streets out of her. Her boys didn’t mean as much to her as I thought. Tragic.

id: 540677 - Text: a lot of y’all need to get educated. she previously stated she has been in the system since being an infant and in the streets since she was 13. her brain and every aspect of her development has been shaped by all that trauma. research ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) and the correlation to negative adult outcomes such as substance use disorder. you’re judging her when you quite literally don’t know anything about her. if you’re sitting here and judging even after watching SWU videos, i think you’re severely missing the entire thesis of this channel.

id: 540684 - Text: I was afraid of this. The tone from Mark had completely changed from the first two videos and understandably so. I was really hoping Asriah would be able to make it out.

id: 540708 - Text: That money bucket went dry for fly.. I get it Mark..Sometimes we want to help people..and the outcome of that can make it even worse for them. That woman is petrified..just look at her when he came in the video.. not good.

id: 540715 - Text: She showed up so that Mark calls her out publicly. Or was she hoping for money? She stayed through the entire video though. Her face has changed. She seems to be consuming more. She stands to her decision. I noticed in the previous video a difference between her pace and that of the interviewer. He was so positive and supportive. She was not on the same pace and she seemed like she wanted to say more. I also thought she was in a depressive phase or something bcs she cut back on consumption. But she was struggling. She idealised the few weeks she was consuming less as if it has been years without consumption. The use of "I" from the interviewer was very harsh to hear in this one: I had a plan, I helped you, I got you a flat. As hard as it is she is not onboard anymore. Turns out one cannot just walk out of their past lives and addiction. She was 13 when she walked into this life. That is all that she knows from her last 10 forming years. She chose back then not to return to foster. She must have had her reasons, why she was and still is attracted to this kind of life. What binds people to it is a much more complex situation that needs longterm psychosocial intervention, given that the person is feeling the need they want to change something. It is a long process to rewire and e.g. not go for abusive relationships. It is good supporting people wanting to change their lives, only that when drugs are involved one needs to have safety measures in place in case of relapsing, etc., eg.: direct payment of the rent through the bank, coupons for the supermarket, controlled and gradual access to cash, financing a project to be occupied etc. etc. I also noticed how her face changed when the pimp got in. I played the video back and forth. The change on her face is stark. He wanted the publicity. He is deep into this world. Only that he now also got a weaker person to take advantage of. Thank you very much, Mark, for making transparent how this person's story evolved.

id: 540749 - Text: Well OGs, going to see this...dude may get got...they don't like dirty laundry hanging out. Kev Mac videos

id: 540759 - Text: I don't feel sorry for Marc at all. Why even make a video with her when it's just Marc guilt tripping and shaming her. "I had to use the restroom after a while" brhhhaa, go piss on a bush duuu. I hope he is on the apartment lease because I would have called the cops. Just because "you paid for it" doesn't entitle you to ANYTHING! She didn't sign a recovery contract. Maybe try to help and heal your fellow men??? Not rescue young beautiful girls. This was super passive aggressive to do.

id: 540798 - Text: Okay the non-verbal cues are so strong it speaks all on its own accord. The first clue was her saying she had not even watched the first video. But I digress. Moving into now, The dress, nails done, no more earrings, rings on instead, head tilted back in defense and posturing, mouth clasped in push away, legs uncrossed, eyes squinting, I'm secure now, got someone to talk at me, don't have the kids to worry about, no more gratitude, no more honor to hold in front, reflecting back to the short lived reality, sighing at his speaking, knows he is fronting you, knows he is full of BS, and she falls back to the familiar world, false pride and dim future. So society and you gave her a good way and she threw it A WAY. That word is separated intentionally.

id: 540824 - Text: What was the purpose of this video if you know it can get her in trouble?

id: 540852 - Text: I love this channel and generally share Mark’s perspective on why things are the way they are. Something in this video captured my attention differently though. Mark leans so hard on the “it isn’t your fault” part of the story. But what about the people who do get out? What about the people who beat the awful hand dealt to them? I’d love to see Mark explore that side of things.
