31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 62936 - Text: where is the video of the guy from mexico city that admitted to disrespecting a corpse and other weird stuff

id: 62937 - Text: I hope you can help. I can’t even say what I would have done had this been my child being assaulted. Videos like this makes me want to get my ccw so I can protect myself as well

id: 62948 - Text: Heartbroken. She’s definitely a victim. I’m so angry for her. I haven’t shed a tear during any of his videos since Amanda died, this one def was saddening. She’s a modern day SLAVE. Sex trafficking is literally slavery and is happening right in front of us. The government doesn’t even care.

id: 62953 - Text: I am so torn after watching this video. Part of me believes her story should be told; that stories like hers should be told; that we should all be encouraged to view the human experiences in the underbelly of our society. The other part of me fears what happens to her after her pimp views this video...

id: 62978 - Text: So if they just try to run away they will be killed? If they kill all the captured women who run away they will have no prostitutes. This is why they keep them drugged up. She seems clear headed enough for freedom from the thugs. There has to be a way out. She is very honest. Most of them say they don't have a pimp out of fear. The video ended and this little girl is still on my mind.

id: 62994 - Text: Did the channel remove the video about that sick POS necrophilia guy? I only got through about 2 minutes of it , dear god he needs to be away from society in any way possible!

id: 63127 - Text: this is like my third comment in this video but i can't get over the sadness she transmits. she seems like a beautiful smart person but she's trapped. i feel the need to pick her up and take her away of that horrible situation she's in. i'm so glad she still has hope.

id: 63140 - Text: Hopefully this video doesn't result in a battering for her x

id: 63142 - Text: I’m 30 seconds into this video and already have to pause and come back to it later.

id: 63157 - Text: Mark, since you are such a coward, I am forced to comment on this video re Noir Orcale. I have lost every bit of respect for you (to be honest it was getting very thin before this). Cannot believe you haven’t spoken to authorities about him. You are fake and need to be exposed for the $ hungry person you are. Disgusting.
