31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 540865 - Text: She didn't lose any opportunity here, she maxed out from these videos, and probably destroyed that guy's life. Lol, so be it, learn better, boys!

id: 540882 - Text: Marks a good human being, he needs to focus on more people or families like the Whitakers, you know the mo ey is doing some good. It's too hard for one man to tryin help all these prostitutes, and think about all their kids day after day, and then to be played like this. For fuck sakes the man is just gonna stop doing these videos. A person can only take so much he won't be able to trust no one. For what it means Mark, sorry you got played brother.

id: 540903 - Text: This makes me so sad.. she did say in the last video ppl were hitting her up more. Hate to say this but maybe her trying on her own was better then all the attention that was generated by the video. Since she was very evolved in the gang life... and even more sad she didn't consider anyone a friend but Mark and maybe one other person.

id: 540939 - Text: "It isn't what I had planned". I'm afraid that's a problematic statement, Mark. As you must know by now, these people are products of intergenerational trauma and systemic oppression and discrimination, complicated and layered and messy beyond what we can ever really understand, no matter how many of them you talk to - they are not projects. I want to preface this by saying that I have so much respect and admiration for what you are doing in the world - I know you have a beautiful heart and I thank you for sharing it and your valuable gifts with all of us. If by chance you decide to read this, and I attach no expectation to this, I want to make it crystal clear that I looove you brother, so please don't take any offence - I might kick your ass a little but I'm only doing it because I think you're absolutely amazing. I have shared this channel with so many over the years, including the clients I have worked with myself that share your protagonists' stories of addiction, trauma and struggle. That is exactly why I feel compelled to write this, because I really don't get the feeling that this particular interview came from that place of beauty within you. It isn't an interview at all really, when the interviewer does most of the talking, is it? :) You said in one of the comments that your goal with this channel is to learn and teach, not to help - so you must know that you learn from the wound and teach from the scar. Of course you did help in this case, Mark, you got involved and invested, and so it is completely natural that the ego gets in the way when it perceives that it is deceived, manipulated, betrayed and abused. Of course you felt angry, and frustrated, and hurt, and powerless, and foolish, and disappointed. Those feeling are entirely valid and legitimate. But I invite you to examine whether that justifies you to sit Asriah down and publicly expose what happened in a way that feels shaming, patronising and belittling at numerous points. What I did learn from this video is that you made an error in judgment (although again, certainly one that was backed by the best of intentions) when choosing if and how to support this young woman. Throwing money at a situation like this unfortunately just doesn't work, as some have already pointed out in the comments, although it is easy to suppose it will when we have been conditioned from birth to believe that by consumerism and capitalism. What ended up happening was really the only logical option considering Asriah's circumstances. You say that you have made the same mistake with other women in her position before - I wonder, what made you think that the outcome would be different with her? Others have praised you for sharing this last update despite it being a mess. Well, it is a mess, but it's your mess, not hers. It truly could have been a precious, teachable moment for all of us if you had framed it that way, and I think a lot of people have shared very unkind comments because you didn't. I ferociously hope that Asriah doesn't look at this comment section, because if she does, now that could really be detrimental to any potential progress she may attempt to commit to. But if she does look, I hope she finds the discernment to only focus on the comments that reaffirm the truth - that the only disappointing thing in this whole situation is that even some of the people in this community struggle to find empathy and compassion for a disastrous outcome that was pretty much to be expected. I ultimately believe that your statement about this endeavour of yours being purely educational and not having anything to do with a desire to help is bullshit. You're a good man my brother - of course you want to help. And sometimes we think we're helping, but we don't know how to, and we end up fucking things up even more - that's okay! The important thing is to take responsability. And whether you like it or not, whether it's fair or not, you have a responsability both towards the people you interview and the community you share their stories with - to teach and share from the scar, not from the wound! And of course, my perception may be entirely wrong - I only share my view because you're one of those super cool people who work really hard to show us that we can learn so much from one another. So thank you so much brother, and keep up the good work!💗

id: 540960 - Text: Yes. In the second video, she said that she feels depressed and she doesn't know why, and he said it was because she was not using the drugs as much, and I wanted to scream that it's because she has been sexually assaulted as a child for a huge part of her life and she is in such an unfamiliar place and probably feels so uncomfortable and like an outsider, like she has to change who she is to fit in this box of what is normal and appropriate. I don't know. I feel for her and for this guy interviewing her. It's not easy.

id: 540969 - Text: didn’t she make a video bragging about scamming him💀with no jumper

id: 540982 - Text:  @beautybyall23  If I'm being honest......I'm somewhat biased about him being black and I Thank You for posing the question. What I'm saying as a Black Man is that it pains me to see another Black Man controlling or using someone like this. Pimping has been going on for, It's nothing new. It's not like I haven't seen other videos that Mark has done with Pimps that are Black. So, to answer your question......him being black has nothing to do with it but the events that happen earlier or later in life do have an effect on the choices you make in life and the path(s) you take.

id: 540990 - Text: yep. she's gone. A completely different person in this video. it's sad. she's got a hard road to hoe ahead of her(no pun intended)

id: 541051 - Text: The guy who makes these videos is a simp who got played. He did it to himself. He's borderline crying in the beginning telling the story. Idiot. Leave these people be. They won't change. You wont be the driving force for them to change. Don't kid yourself.

id: 541068 - Text: this one seems more like a parent lecturing their child who has misbehaved... not entirely sure what the purpose of this video was. Play with fire and you will get burned on occasion.
