31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 541069 - Text: Your mistake Mark, however well intentioned, is that you are giving her money and, in a way, taking ownership of her life—I mean, getting the keys to her apartment and going in??? To me this a recapitulation of the boundaries men have and are continuously crossing and trespassing in her life. If you give money it should not have those sorts of strings attached. If you are knowingly giving this help, freely, she must be freely allowed to fuck up. She’s a big girl. And you are a free agent, no one is forcing you to give to someone who’s got some monumental problems that, as you yourself pointed out in another video, no amount of money is going to fix. It’s fine to say hey I’m not going to give you money if you choose to live this way but she needs appropriate boundaries and letting yourself into her apartment just gave me the heebie geebies.

id: 541107 - Text: You asked is there anything you’d like to say…an apology was expected but you didnt even get that. I’ve been watching your videos for abit now, and it’s mind boggling that people are living like this out there in the world. I can’t relate but I try to imagine what it would be like and I keep seeing myself on a road with my thumb out getting as far away from all of it as possible. There’s a big world out there, change the scenery, change the people you’re running with (it’s better to be completely alone that staying stuck here) start over, from the bottom. Things can change but it’s got to start with you caring enough about yourself to want more. Mark I wish there were more people like you in the world, i know you know, you just have to walk away sooner.

id: 541140 - Text:  @elonmust7470  of course he is not doing that for free he is making a living of these videos but at least he is trying to help people in his way. You know most of people are not evil being and do not project your own mind in other people action we call it a biais.

id: 541143 - Text:  @elonmust7470  UHM you're watching the videos and helping him profit off of ad money. But the series is so huge because people watch it.... So why is it wrong for him to profit off of letting people tell their stories who normally would be forgotten as soon as you passed by? Hmmm?

id: 541188 - Text: Your voice in this video days his much you cared about these people and how much you are broken now. My prayers for you Mark

id: 541189 - Text: Another example of abuse ( name one )…sad that this exists I don’t want to listen to the rest of the video

id: 541228 - Text: I know Mark knows what he’s dealing with, but I admit I feel angry that he reached out with kindness and hope that he was helping and these people exploited his kindness. I am glad he is posting this video to expose what happened. And when he asked her if there was anything she would like to say… that is when she was supposed to say she was sorry for lying to him… and she sat there silent and then mumbles there is nothing she would like to say. No remorse at all? Really? I hate that. :(

id: 541231 - Text: Going more into the video I knew it 😡😡😡😡 some ppl are so careless and mess it up for ppl like me who actually need it 🥺

id: 541237 - Text: She hit a lick on you mark it is what it is bro. You had good intentions you tried to help her but she didn’t want it, I’d be surprised if she was actually even doing well in the last video she didn’t seem genuine to me at all, it just comes with the territory. Keep doing what you’re doing tho the world needs people like you.

id: 541248 - Text: If she wanted the help she would have moved mountains with the help she was given... Mark, there is nothing you can do. She wants the life she chose, PERIOD! Just wondering what is so beautiful about her as folks said in the other videos, UGLY inside OUT...
