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id: 462392 - Text:  @wesleyalan9179  it's sexist to call women 'girls' and not call men 'boys'. tons of people say 'girls' because it's become the norm in our society, but that doesn't mean it's okay. if you actually took the time to think about it you'd realize how messed up it is, but clearly you don't think for yourself.

id: 462482 - Text: @Soft White Underbelly I sent accidentally, before this was done. I absolutely agree with you that people aren’t meant to do this, and that it takes a bit of your soul every time. I know it’s also degrading to have to beg, or to feed your baby sugar water or miss meals to get her formula. My choice, for a long time, has been to either do dates or not get out of bed because of debilitating pain. I used to do the drugs that are common to the life to kill two birds with one stone, but that made my mental and physical health worse & I could not keep it up. Now, I don’t use substances, but I either do dates or don’t get out of bed because I have a painful condition that’s only manageable with treatments not covered by subsidized insurance, and the cash is not enough to cover them. No, I don’t commit welfare fraud. I turn down welfare because it’s not enough money to welcome the prying into my financial situation and requiring me to report any cash I make or receive. There are not always better alternatives. I languished on welfare for years, before by finding out that I can’t get off it with a low level job. It doesn’t mean we love sex work or are lying about it, or have low self esteem, just that “a b*ow j*b is better than no job” holds true sometimes. After a while, you might not have to use substances to get through it, and you can understand & accept the sacrifice, but it is still true people are not meant to have to do this for a job. They should also not have to endure migrant labor, sweatshop, dangerous factory and slaughterhouse jobs, or other types of exploitation, but those jobs won’t be going away because people have to survive. Either our social welfare system needs to help people and stop them from falling through cracks or sex work needs to be made safe and not illegal, so we don’t have to be high to get through it. I don’t think we’d have to if we were in control and were able to accept or decline each customer at will, so we aren’t doing ac that we can barely get through. The trouble there is women will always feel pressured to do more as long as there are women working underground who have to comply to get drugs to comply, legal workers might still feel pressured. I think punishing or starving women for working or prohibiting them from collaborating with other workers or even men will do nothing to help. Until the law gets up off women and their business and romantic partners, nothing will change for the better, because there will still be people who need to. But providing a platform them and helping hook up treatment, donations, housing, jobs, and only opportunities can only help. You are doing great things!

id: 462508 - Text: I can relate to everything you say in my background it's very much similar minus the drugs. But a quarter way into his video I hear that self-destruction again much I'm familiar with but now that I have become a more aware of self-destruction and self-sabotage I am doing much better at identifying it before I can make it happen that is to self-destruct in any way. But I posted bits and pieces on here before and not that my story don't hurt or I'm unaffected but this isn't about me, so quickly I just want to put this out there sometimes it helps people to know their not alone in this world with their situations and circumstances. up until the age of 17 the woman that was raising me I thought was my biological mother the any father that I had knew from a very young age I thought was my biological father the shortly after I was born their marriage ended in divorce and this was in indiana. Quickly the tragic starts as if being born wasn't tragic enough that is the circumstances surrounding it anyways. I can remember so much happening between 2:00 and 3:00 I know a lot of people don't think they can remember back that far but when they events are traumatic or you keep having someone recite in your head and your face constantly you're worthless more or less it doesn't leave you regardless of your age. So I as I knew mother uprooted me quickly after the divorce all during I think the first year I was born in 68 to Chicago where I had that family though it was isolated. Is through my teenagers we would spend on the Run. Well in Chicago my mom met a man who is very sick I remember she took me to his apartment and left me there I'm assuming she want to work tied with this was I was a latchkey kid most of my life too and my youth years. This man that she took me to violated me sexually between the age of two and a half and three I'm not exactly for sure where in that six-month period it happened. What I can't remember is after leaving his place the weeks following the pain and physical over visual physical signs and my genitalia of abuse that and my mom told me it was because I wasn't being hygienic enough obviously crap since she always bathed me after I bathed myself. Hoping on she continued with this man throughout the late 70s. You beat the crap out of her and me continue to sexually, mentally and psychologically abuse me. One example of how he did this was this one tragic evening my mother and myself and him were sitting around the front room my dog was kind of what brand just a little bit being a puppy he told me to shut the dog up because I couldn't to his standards he picked granite over to me pick my dog up and threw it at the wall starting at the ceiling and my dog may let out a cry and whimpered as he slid down the wall and smacked to the floor was dead. we was on the road all the time to say I had an address ever I really did not my address was the interstate falling asleep looking at interstate signs waking up looking at interstate signs and never knowing what state I was in. Two stories or one story and one truth whichever you choose to believe hers the mother saying that we was running from him or mine that she was always running to him. he was on the run from Tennessee for a crime he committed there. He always said that he would kill us when he found us that was it was ingrained in my head anyways from my mother which has some truth to it as I would find out at the end. A lot happened in between all those years but I can tell you how it ended with this domestic violence was a man tried to save us because my mom's husband had broken my aunt's and stole her shotgun there was two chairs in our front room back to back with some rope on the floor he was going to tie us up and put a bullet through our brain. So my aunt called my mom at work and told her my aunt rushed home or my mother ran rest home just as he was coming home there was a few between the three of us and her yard which we was living in a half a double in my yelling and screaming they're yelling in the perpetrator yelling at me to get in the house and he'd stop beating my mother my mother yelling at me don't go in the house he's going to kill us felt like it lasted forever, that being said after the second warning from my mom's husband to this man of mine his own business he stormed in the man's house and killed him the man blood out tragically the sun ended up committing suicide I have always felt probably related to losing his dead. The blood that I feel I've had to live with on my hand and living with the pain and memories of the bad choices that the adults made around me in situation that I was put in and the turmoil and English through all the years really sucks. So in ending to this my biological parents basically sold me to this woman. My biological mom upon having me enter the hospital under the woman that she sold me to his name so my birth certificate looks as though I was born to this woman and man though the man being the father once I found him at age 17 says he didn't sign it my spouse mother forged his name to it that he didn't want me and he's the one that glued me in on what happened and how everything came about. I'm a lost the finding of my siblings though I believe they're in Indiana. I put ads in least I newspaper where I believe that they're living to no prevail. When I found out what had happened at my birth I've been married a year then 17 now pregnant I didn't seek out any more information as it was so traumatic I didn't want to take a chance on hurting the fetus which nowadays am I 30 for a year old daughter. So that's the basis of my story and how not growing up with truth or at least knowing of your parents can affect you I feel like I have no ties I feel like and always have felt like nobody's there for me and nobody gives a s*** because I don't have no connection with anybody I'm just me by myself single entity alone. It really hurts and sucks not to have a support system if somebody that truly cares and loves you and understands the trauma you've been through without judgment. Good interview by the way.

id: 462509 - Text: Mark said, "There is no way your soul cannot take a hit doing this type of work." That is profound. And, it is true of both the sex worker and the johns.

id: 462529 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  I agree with what you and others have said about the soul being affected by tricks & not being made to do this. I also believe the soul takes a hit when we beg, go hungry, can’t feed or clothe our kids properly, sleep in the bed with a man because we can’t purchase a room, or (as I’ve done in the past) languish in bed for years because we can’t afford an existing treatment for a medical problem. When I’ve quit, welfare insurance and the SSA wouldn’t pay for it (neither of which I accept help from when I work). It hurts us to see our loved ones go through the same things. So I no longer believe “there is help for everyone,” or “anything else would be better.” The soul takes a hit when people engage in migrant labor, dangerous jobs in factories and meat packing plants, and are exploited in many industries. I do think there is something unique and special about this, in that no one should have to work in the sex industry and that sex should be an expression of individual desire, but that won’t stop people from doing it with full knowledge of those ideas, anytime soon, because sometimes it is a better alternative to not earning money. I appreciate it when people recognize the toll this life exacts on women. I don’t think any of us working girls need to deal with people who don’t understand it’s not a job like any other, or ever be with a man who doesn’t recognize our sacrifice and thinks we really are made for the life, because not even our bodies can last long that way (although in legal sex work women can set real limits and boundaries, so injury is less likely). At the same time, I hope people also understand that we’re often aware of this and actually trying to survive, after weighing options, rather than trying to self-destruct. We are often familiar (on some level) with, and agree with such essentialist arguments. However, I also believe the sociological theory that the notion of choosing our career path and opportunities is a farce. When we see historically oppressed people largely limiting or destroying ourselves, we are missing a lot of the structural underpinnings that hold people in place. Capitalism and racism and how these are used to extract labor and guarantee sexual access to women are more responsible than anyone in our communities or than our pathology. People will legislate and diagnose us and our choices and relationships, but not those social systems that lead to our survival dilemma. Some of us take drugs to get through work, as do a lot of laborers and truck drivers. We have commonalities with other workers and, yet, the gendered nature of the sex industry, and the repetition of sexual abuse set it apart. I wish there was a clear solution!!!

id: 462536 - Text: Sex work is EXPLOITATION. There is nothing great about it.

id: 462745 - Text:  @njprime4632  what’s the difference of you having relations with a stranger him buying you dinner and you having sex with someone who pays for it . Same thing if you ask me . Instead they cutting the awkward part out . Your opinion is just that an opinion . All parts of life have good and bad . Not all prostitutes are on drugs or have pimps . It’s different levels to the game . But a lot of the stories are the same . Abuse or trauma makes us human . We all been through something . Stop tryna make yourself feel better by downplaying her life or anyone’s life . You can’t relate we get it. Go on with your day lol the need to have the last word is speaking volumes to your character stay blessed .

id: 462765 - Text:  @brienneraymond1390  yes I know the meaning of the word clients because I have them but not for sex work, that is illegal. The correct term is "Trick" /"John"....and that's a fact

id: 462797 - Text: God, why? Why prostitution? Sex does not bring much joy in the world, but more sadness, unless good kids result in her sexual actions. This is a real African sister that can go to any village in Africa, ask for land, and start her own community there built on Good American and African values. Nothing wrong with USA, just that the resources are difficult to get when you are not from a certain class.

id: 462803 - Text: It’s a fun job if you like sex and are selective on who you’re with. I don’t do it, but know some people who have. Just saying 🤣. Also, these girls need to stay safe and get off the streets!
