31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 541351 - Text: WOW, Exactly ! WOW !! I have only recently found your channel and I could not put into words my astonishment of your Entire body of work and in saying that, oh how it must work your soul. My word, I am crushed for You. I so wish you were in my private circle of people who I love, trust, cherish , respect, admire and then I would start to name their good qualities. Seriously I really would like to have you in my circle. I'm so very sorry this girl's case took this left turn. Thank You for your Honesty. It is never easy to admit that we have been taken advantage of. It tends to hit us where it really hurts. The very core of our human soul. Please rest assured that your audience knows that you have to keep going even when faced with situations like this. The next person you decide to help could very well be your next success documentary. You are Human and each and every single one of Your videos show's that You are Human. A GOOD Human. A Loving, Caring, Kind Hearted Human. That makes You vulnerable. I Sincerely wish that I lived closer to you and your studio. I'm a senior citizen who's curiosity will only cease when I'm pushing up daises ! Thankfully I have a lot of free time to fill. I maybe should have been a cat. My curiosity has gotten me in a lot of predictiments. Not complaining I'm still not a felon 🤣. I don't like to throw the word LOVE Around UNLESS I TRULY mean it. Mark, I'm TRULY Sincere when I say that I LOVE Your channel. Sincerely I LOVE Your Spirit and the Soul that dwells within You ! Please know that You ARE Doing a Great Humanitarian Service to ALL of us out here. Please know that it is Sincerely Appreciated. Please take care and stay safe. Always Dedicated !!! You are One Amazing Human Being ! THANKS !!!

id: 541354 - Text: I have watch a good amount of your videos and trust me you need to stay away from the gang crowd

id: 541388 - Text: These videos are incredible. I admire your desire to help her… all I kept thinking about was “blood in, blood out” that’s a life I can’t fathom being trapped in

id: 541392 - Text: This young lady has probably done some very bad shit in her life. But the fact that she's willing to put her self out there like this on You Tube shows deep down she wants girls to know the truth behind the gang lifestyle. She's very gutsy to make this video..

id: 541418 - Text: Her previous video she looked so much happier and hopeful now she looks broken , not sure if its guilt for fleecing money from Mark or the pimp has beaten her down and she has given up ? Tragic

id: 541427 - Text: Mark should not have mentioned that he is financially supporting Asriah on video when the vultures are around her all the time

id: 541435 - Text: Unfortunately you will be a completely different person from the time you started thes videos and time you stop. These streets will harden your skin and your heart. And it won't stop till you stop putting your heart on your sleeve. I feel for you man. It's hard to have a good heart out here and it's going to cause you a lot more pain. Keep your head up. There are people that want help out here, it's all about being able to recognize them from the hustlers.

id: 541465 - Text:  @jacobus57  There will always be idiots like DeLisle Merrill who can't fathom the idea that some people are just garbage humans. She can't fathom the idea that the woman in this video has personal responsibility. People like her don't change.

id: 541485 - Text: I still want to see another video of her this can’t b the last one

id: 541492 - Text:  @BlisteringBlue42  he was arrested? I just started watching these videos from Sharpe being on no jumper wow so intrigued
