31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 541494 - Text: @Taylor Made Man This was shortly after this video. I distinctly remember Mark making a comment explaining this, not sure where it is though.

id: 541513 - Text: This is it, this is the last video I watch. This is just exploitative trauma porn, this is not how you interview people.

id: 541533 - Text: ‘Took the kids on a ski trip.’ 🙄 😂 For fuck sake Mark, let’s not pretend like you deluded yourself the entire time. You knew the score, you knew you had to delegate that $ to her if people specifically asked for it. You knew her video generated X amount of ad dollars. You’re playing it dumb for the audience, just going through the motions and I ain’t mad at ya. Fish are gonna swim, Flies are gonna fly and exotics are gonna Exotic 😂 wish I coulda seen your face when you saw the sex toys. But on the real, I bet out of that 60k nothing went to the kids. Not even some clothes. I’m certain they get government aid. So the kids didn’t go hungry but the more I look at it. They probably don’t even have custody of those kids. That’s a damn shame, next time… find out who her kids actually are and put that money in a trust for their college, or something secure. Don’t trust pimps and hookers to do the right thing. They finessed you like you finessed them for views and exploitation in the name of ‘bringing awareness’. Man, you don’t gotta go on YouTube to hear these stories. Walk to any lower income area. These people aren’t unique they all cookie cutter lower income low education products of their environment. Pimps, addicts, dealers, hoes, racists are in every city. Just change the names and faces, it’s all the same trauma and poverty stricken issues.

id: 541536 - Text: sorry but this video is absolute BS. you just talking about your helper complex & all the ways you tried to help her and just publicly shaming her for not acting the way you wanted to. just throwing money at a person that carries deep trauma and never knew anything else than this lifestyle will not get them out. and making a 15min video about how she failed you oh so gracious man will only further her self hate. incredible

id: 541554 - Text: Her silence to me didn’t seem as if she didn’t care, but more of this is what she is used to. From the first video she shown her weaknesses. She’s beautiful, and now she seems as if she is cold. I knew someone was gonna find her spread false hope, and this. I wish her the best, but she just seems checked out

id: 541572 - Text: I think she is just as culpable as he is….and they treated Mark like a trick. Mark is making excuses for her.she knew exactly what she was doing, I’m sure most of it was her idea. I don’t even think she’s anything so wonderful or great. 0lus she does not care about her kids, come on man. You need to wake the fuck up, Mark. These people are dangerous, and you are way too vulnerable. I love watching these videos but I warned you long ago about these people. And I know I’m going to get some shitty comments, but I know exactly what I’m talking about. I was her…I was on the streets for 20+ years, doing exactly what she is doing, hustling tricks, hitting licks, getting high. So please don’t tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about or that she is some innocent little princess who was taken advantage of by the big old bad black man….I call BULLSHIT!

id: 541578 - Text: This is so hard to watch. It's painful on so many levels. We don't know a lot of what is happening behind the scenes with her, the gang involvement, and how trapped or not she really is. That said, Mark gave her every opportunity to get out and make a different choice for her and her kids' life. When the first couple of videos came out, she was 'free' from pimps and nonsense and had the means to stay away. She chose to make a different choice.

id: 541580 - Text: I kinda feel like Mark put himself out there to help her out... and this girl scammed him and took advantage of him in a real disgusting way...I hate to say it but she is a hustler and she dont know nothing else...her mind and spirit are pre-programmed... she could have a million dollars cash and still end up back on the streets i na year or two...I feel like this video was more a vid about mark needing closure after getting scammed for caring and trying to help someone...this is a lesson for us all who live very different lives...some people need help but some people can only be helped once they are willing to make a change and learn that they deserve better Mark earned a sub from me on this one takes a real man to post something like this for the world to see

id: 541605 - Text: Now he's controlling her by putting words in her mouth. He keeps offering $o much money upon request. What makes him any different from a Jon thats not wanting sex but only a chatting acquaintance to make money 💰 from these videos. Back fired in his face. Next trip?

id: 541630 - Text: She had her “ex” Pimp, ‘Jordan’ name tattooed on her face, she also had the Jordan Basketball Logo tattooed on her neck for him... and I noticed in this video during the closeup of “Fly” he has Jordan logo earrings. Interesting.
