58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 463410 - Text: It's actually child sexual abuse, not a kindness. Females, just like males, can be disgusting predators.

id: 463411 - Text: my ex was sexually abused at age 14 by an older woman (babysitter) he became abusive in his adulthood, sought out sex workers a lot. We talked later when I got away from the abuse, he said he felt that experience he wasnt allowed to see it as abuse, even though he was a child. it impacted his whole life detrimentally. He blamed his treatment of women on it. I dont know how kind it is for an adult to take advantage of children and why we see it differently with genders.

id: 463413 - Text: She was 12 years older… so 24 year old. Yeah, I guess men can be raped and molested too. He didn’t feel good about it but of course it triggered his sexual desires after the experience. Poor kid. Then his dad sent him away instead of teaching him. It’s crazy how common that story is.

id: 463417 - Text: he was sexually abused, it went unacknowledged, then like many people who have been sexually abused as children, they become hyersexual or seek the experience out. this is genderless.

id: 463429 - Text: 🤔 gee thanks.... I'm no nasty old man or am I 🤔....I'm just busy & a sex addict

id: 463432 - Text:  @diabolivirtusen-tavares-ea4645  Is that you in your profile pic? You should be getting paid for your sex addiction.

id: 463441 - Text: He said he doesn’t want to be with anyone. He seems to enjoy being alone most of the time but at the same time wants his sexual needs met. Not everyone needs to be in a relationship to be happy.

id: 463444 - Text:  @heather8657  he said he doesn't even always have sex with them, so it isn't that. But you're right not everyone needs someone. I know people very content on their own.

id: 463454 - Text: Tricks are essential - no tricks - no prostitutes - no sex trade - boring life indeed...

id: 463508 - Text: It's nice to see a trans man who is brave enough to venture into gay man's world. A word of advice would be... you're 26 right now and doing sex work seems really cool and amazing. It's an illusion that fades the older you get. I talked with plenty of sex workers who were nearly murdered or raped and that includes all gender spectrums. Society will never accept it either. Get out while you can and find something else to do. You'll thank yourself later.
