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id: 463527 - Text: This is what happens when you let your son become groomed, also what was he coming out as? If he was born a female and is attractive to men, what is this? Has he always been trans? This is a confused young man, and gender and sexuality are not very separate things, they are highly correlated. He was abused as a young child, he seems to be giddy and happy and coy about describing sex work.

id: 463530 - Text: I think this person is a liar, sex work isn't all fun and games, multiple interviewees have attested to that. I also think she lied about that childhood. Normal upbringing don't lead to a life of sex work.

id: 463533 - Text: It’s interesting that trans people don’t realize it’s completely obvious that they’re portraying themselves as a different sex.

id: 463535 - Text: 😂😂the way he says “sex work!” With excitement 😂🤣❤️

id: 463552 - Text: I've heard Mark speak about transgender people on a few of his interviews before. He's said in the past he'll never understand why people don't want to be the sex their assigned at birth. Even if his beliefs are aligned differently, he continues to accept people for who they are. If only the rest of society could do the same.

id: 463561 - Text: I am so touched by this young person. I am old enough to be his parent, so I look at him as I might a son or a nephew, and I feel concerned for his well being and safety. I think it was far too young to make such a decision to transition while still a minor child. Even as a legal adult of 18, it is too young. But people insist on doing it anyway, and therein lie the risks and often the tragedies of further confused and emotionally damaged people. I think Haskell's mother is the "key" here, by Haskell's influence of the mother's trans friend and by the permissiveness of the mother. I've had years of experiences of various kinds with people in the psychoanalytic field and I can honestly say that a great many of them are emotionally unbalanced people, who go into the field to hide their own mental illnesses or personality disorders. I would be very curious to interview Haskell's mother, and to see the two of them together, to understand more of the relationship. It is sad to me to know that this young person entered the very sad and dangerous world of pornography at such a young age. In it now for five years, he is already jaded and corrupted by it. All kinds of problems can arise from work in the sex trade, in any capacity. The ulcerative colitis might have developed stemming from Haskell's relationship with his mother, anxiety therein, and further continued through his damaging lifestyle in the sex trade. Haskell, if you are reading this, you have a beautiful smile and really soulful eyes, that indicate you are a sensitive, deeply feeling person. I hope you stay safe and get help for your colitis as well.

id: 463575 - Text: If you've watched more of Marks videos when he's discussed transgender, although not being derogatory towards those people, it's clear he can't comprehend other's who believe their trapped in the wrong sex or those who want a sex change. As an example, he calls Rebecca by the name they want to be known as, but he also comments regularly to say what a handsome man he is. Rebecca doesn't identify as a man so why directly call them a man? My comment about Marks views being aligned differently is based on his comments, whether it's just an uneducated response (getting to know and understand the terminology someone wants to be known by) or whether he just genuinely believes we're born a certain gender and that's the way it is. I don't take away from people who have different beliefs, we all believe in different things. But it's clear Mark has a difficult time comprehending these beliefs. Isit that hard to understand?

id: 463578 - Text: Lot of positive comments. Just hope people know you can like people or not like them based on whether they are LGBTQ or heterosexual... that's not bias, it's just whether you like the person or not. This guy is sort of silly in some ways, likeable in others but has nothing to do with his being trans

id: 463600 - Text: Honestly I got a headache watching this interview and I'm so confused. Born female transitioned to male, has a boyfriend does sex work with a vagina and fan base is gay men 🤔

id: 463619 - Text: I think he is an awesome human we could learn so much just from listening to him. I love Trans people and I'm not even bisexual.
