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id: 542098 - Text: You know Mark you're a wonderful human being and you stuck your neck out real far they help this young lady because she's so young and all the money is disappearing quick when you tried to help get her life more on track and it sucks man because you care about a lot of these people but I will say this and she's going to be pimped out by anybody I wish you would get with sharp he would take care of her and she would be happy that's me thinking that and it's not right for you to be taken advantage of in any kind of way when you are giving quite a bit of money not talkin about the GoFundMe that was 40 50K You Can Tell She's disappointed that she let you down and her situation is probably worse now than it ever was and it sucks man I hate to see anybody go through anything bad I don't care what it is I genuinely care about people I am a people person since my motorcycle accident I don't leave my house to go to my doctor and that is it all my friends are 600 miles away I lost my mother two of my best friends within five 6 years I have hardly nobody I worked my whole life raised two beautiful daughters I have three beautiful grandson but they live miles for me after my divorce of being together 24 years I moved from Indiana to South Carolina and my life sucks disability ain't no joke we make no money I struggle every month and I shouldn't have to because I worked hard but people that have never worked and have always been on the system they get everything I have to fight for shit and when I die probably five or six different times on the way to the hospital why I was at the hospital during my surgery the first one 10 hours it's been hell I even help people but that's the only time I hear from them it's bad when you don't mind living by yourself living in a wheelchair for the rest of my life 51 years old nobody should feel that way mark you have a great one my friend it's always good to see your videos I don't comment much but I watch them and always the thumbs-up and a share๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝโค๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿฝ

id: 542104 - Text: What's sad is the whole video you can tell she has so much she wants to say but is too scared of the repercussions to say what it is that she wants to say. " I'm trapped and I don't know how to get out. I'm too scared that if he does find me eventually he will kill me for betraying the krips." Poor girl, I wish I could help her. You can see her screaming for help, but she's too scared to get out of the gang life. Only God can help this girl. So I'll be praying.

id: 542111 - Text: Just want to say Iโ€™ve always been intrigued by these videos but even more so when Iโ€™ve learned how a great human this guy is, getting to see him on the sharp tank really blew me away, if he reads these just want to say thank you for trying and being a great human the world would be a better place if more people just simply cared, sorry this troubled young lady took a turn for the worse but know from a person and father thank you for trying your best sir.

id: 542132 - Text: This girls sooooooo different from. Last video , this mans ruiening her. This black man yuck

id: 542165 - Text: Iโ€™m 10:00 minutes in and anxiously waiting for the climax of this video which is the introduction of the infamous โ€œFlyโ€. Douche bag slime ball.

id: 542176 - Text: Stop simping for these trash people. There all using u for money. Make your video and bounce.

id: 542191 - Text: Itโ€™s always the people you go out of your way for, so much out of your way that you donโ€™t even need to go that far, and take advantage of you; all to go back to the lifestyle that you help them get out of. He got her a car, a monthly apartment, and gave her thousands of dollars a day. And you telling me she still chose to betray that after she promised not only to you but herself that she will become a better person, wow. I just saw the second video of her and I was happy for her now to see this I donโ€™t know what to say anymore.

id: 542201 - Text: This video is all about the interviewer and his disappointment. She barely gets a chance to speak. The help he gave her, money, did not work. This girl has no skills or experience to live a live other than the one she is used to. While it is commendable to make these videos, this one feels wrong. It seems she is being shamed for not taking the chance she got, it is her fault. But she got the wrong assistance. She needs counseling. help developing new life skills, not just money. She was doomed to fail this way in this scenario. And now she is being dumped again.

id: 542223 - Text: Just to also say this for anyone who still goes out of their way to find her and help her out since she is apparently a bird in a cage rather than someone who lied endlessly and was literally a different person in terms of everything compared to the first video, she was angry she was caught. If any of you do somehow find her and try to help her, just once try to give her something besides money, offer her a chance to leave that area, get a job, do anything else and I don't think she will take it. Also please understand that her entire story is filled with lies so please stop saying how she is branded and referencing all these things she said which don't make sense or add up in any logical way when she has proven herself to be a deceptive person trying to take advantage of someone else just to get what she want's.

id: 542225 - Text: I have to point this out because I just saw a ton of people saying she is forced to be there and cant apologize because she was threatened but when she has been proven to have lied since the first couple minutes of the very first video, everything is for sympathy and money, I keep reading about the branding from people who should rewatch that moment where Mark basically walked her into the answer, also what criminal who has any form of brain would ever put his name tattooed on the face of the person who is likely to get caught while hes not near. Look at the way she physically and emotionally acted, how she would soften her voice and make everything as sympathetic as possible. Look at how she answered her questions in a way that would make people want to donate money to "save" her, a good example is the question of are you addicted to this lifestyle, she had to think about the correct answer that would make people want to help her the most then had a confident answer when Mark bailed her out. She was acting like a child who got caught, she didn't give off any sense if danger or need of help when alone with Mark and was a different person with a different personality and energy, she wasn't sorry, she was angry she was caught and it's easy to see. She won't say she did anything wrong because it might stop some of these people who still believe shes a prisoner to find a way to help her and send her money.
