31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 542227 - Text: Look I know her situation is literally absolutely heartbreaking but if you watch the first video and the second video you can very clearly see how she would answer questions in whichever way she thought would gain sympathy from Mark and the viewers, people keep saying "what if she was forced" but there is a pattern of deceptive behavior and the ability to use the emotional reaction of people viewing and hearing her situation and the way she seems to either twist something into a better story for what she wants or just flat out lying. I mean from the first couple minutes of the VERY FIRST interview she was lying about having kids and I would honestly assume everything else too. Also one thing I thought was so ridiculous was the way that she only said that she was branded by the pimp was after Mark had basically asked if that was what had happened, I'm sure she knew that there is nothing more horrifying and dehumanizing quite like physically, mentally and emotionally acting as if you own someone but in reality why would any person who makes money in a shady criminal way force a woman he illegally has in the streets trying to avoid cops with a massive tattoo of the illegal man who would not even be near her when she gets caught, it's ridiculous, I would moreso assume that she is either in love with her "pimp" or he's her boyfriend. I've been ripped off constantly for trying my best to be kind to people but I just wanted to point out to everyone defending her in the comments that she isn't giving off any sense of remorse or shame for this or any kind of signal for help out of a forced situation, she is absolutely lying and shaping narratives which you can literally see from the first couple minutes of the first video in a way which allows people who are kind to feel the maximum amount of sympathy and compassion so she can make money by taking advantage of that kindness and still trying to lie and feel sorry for herself rather than actually either leave the situation or even just work her way upwards but instead she wants to use peoples hearts and wallets then act like a child who got caught and still try her best to snatch some people who still believe her and want to help her some way by not accepting responsibility.

id: 542233 - Text: i only watched her video after hearing all about this whole situation . Her video is probably one of 3 ,4 i did not watched . I watched probably 3 minutes of her video and did not like her , her smile rotten and shaddy

id: 542276 - Text: You got played my dude, she’s good, too good, I kind of seen it in the last video, I was waiting for this.

id: 542366 - Text: Best break up video ever 👏🏽

id: 542379 - Text: Very sad, beautiful girl, I would have loved to help her, I was going to reach out to her, but she said she had trust issues! Well this video made me distrust that she had any intentions of bettering her life. The first video I seen, she seemed ready to change, knew it would be hard. But that was her long term goal, she seemed more open, this one I felt she felt caught. Ashamed, and very shut down because of the guy she's with! She said, don't let anyone control you or your situation, I felt she could have been a good role model and supporter of other young girls getting into this. I still feel and have hope in her, but this was disappointing. Such a waste of a potential young lady. Sending blessings her way.

id: 542415 - Text: This is the problem with donating money to GoFundMe initiatives like this. Money donated by well intentioned people has ended up funding an abhorrent pimp who is in control of her and her kids lives (and probably more like her too). Hearing that Mark has given her '000s of dollars with no questions asked is irresponsible at best. Mark should really think about setting up some proper protocols/charity partnerships to administer donations in a fair and safe way to those in need of help. Of all the SWU videos I've watched this has made me the most sad. Hope Asriah is able to manage to find a better life for herself and her family somehow...our lives are all defined by opportunities we take, and the ones we don't.

id: 542445 - Text: You all look like a bunch of children here, that girl's a bandit. And that guy should know better than dating street hookers, damit! She didn't lose any opportunity here, she maxed out from these videos, and probably destroyed that guy's life. Youtube viewers really look like kindergartens passing their time crying at poppy dogs and videos a poor hookers without a clue. Good video, learn better!

id: 542447 - Text:  @jema5039  so all of his compassion is an act and this is all actually just for the views? Im sorry that you’re experience with people has led you to not believe that someone would do something like this out of kindness. Just because money is made from something, doesn’t mean the original or stated purpose is sullied and fake. This kind of statement is like when a sports star or actor makes a donation, and people on the internet are like “wow he could have donated so much more he’s so rich that’s not even a lot compared to how much he has.” It’s stupid, and it totally distracts from the actual important part - that a lot of money went to a good cause. And in this case, that mark has helped and is helping people, and that his videos show so much compassion and those of us who watch them are reminded to be compassionate and not judge people. Millions of people watch these videos, and you don’t see kindness like mark displays very often.

id: 542461 - Text:  @elonmust7470  You're watching his videos and with all the scum on them, you're calling him a dbag? Prick.

id: 542462 - Text:  @memberberry8242  it’s called trauma. Why do you watch these videos if you’re not willing to understand? You must not have lived in an environment you had to run away from at 13. Im glad for you.
