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id: 463756 - Text: Oh no no no....gender identity is one thing. But the prostitution, sex work, "kinky" whatever is what makes it sick, sad. She's going to get killed in the wrong situation.

id: 463761 - Text: Being queer and radical in heteronormative spaces is never easy. Haskell, I think it was brave of you to do this interview knowing the general fare tends to cater to straight johns, "prostitutes," and the like, with the perspective and audience that generally centers. Trans women still seem more seen or believed by the greater culture than trans men do.. because trans women were born with a dick, they're more inherently believable in a sexist culture? I dunno. I don't see the same level of hate in the comments when trans women are the interview subjects. Like Rebecca? She's fine but... she's an asshole and gets not a fraction of the hate that Haskell is getting. No comment after comment to her about "you're actually a man, go pay your bills and shut up." Whatever. Yr cool, Haskell. Keep being you, keep being visible. It means a lot.

id: 463771 - Text: The problem is the people that go along with their delusion. They need help not told it's okay to basically change your sex because you can't change who you are this is madness.

id: 463782 - Text: When he said "well what even i considered a female or male body part?" like he couldnt wrap his head around a penis being considered male I could sense mark tapping out of trying to get on board his definitions. Or how he described the difference of sex and sexuality like being a man and sleeping with a woman wouldn't be a concept anyone would need help with.

id: 463783 - Text: As far as I'm concerned mark should not have to understand it it's not possible for a heterosexual man to understand this

id: 463819 - Text: @espyxelz2847  He confused sexuality with gender. Please explain how that's actually correct & makes me delusional?

id: 463831 - Text: The way you explained gender vs sexuality was so simple and eloquent, thank you! You've made a fan. :)

id: 463845 - Text: A female taking lots of testosterone will want sex a lot. And at least there's a market for deviancy, I guess.

id: 463847 - Text: This Gen Z young "man" is the epitome of what these confusing, decietful, & evil gender/individuality agendas & ideologies (created by the powerful leftist elites) are doing to our youth. She is so mind controlled to where she honesty believes she is a gay man & should be totally accepted into the male gay community as such, & if not, everyone else who disagree's is "transphopic". This "transphobic" word was just recently created & pushed a few years ago, along with the changing of & respecting ones "pronouns"😳🙄. Are you kidding me? Absolutely NONE of this mess about genders/multiple sexualities/pronouns was even heard of or discussed when I grew up in the 80's & 90's, nor should it be now, & LBGT was simply that & should stay that, NOT LBGT+ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Dont get me wrong, the .017% of Americans that are TRULY suffering with the mental illness of "gender dysphoria" should have a voice & be respected like everyone else, but there are definitely boundaries, & unacceptable behaviors ars being indoctrinated to our youth/society that never ever were a concern or even a thought, prior to a few years ago. We are either born with a penis/male or a vagina/female, or in the very RARE cases, a bit of both. Whether or not you decide to change it, you still either only have a peins or vagina, & are either male/he or female/she. They/them was NEVER used by the "transvestites" in the past, AGAIN, untill a few years ago. When it comes to sexuality, you either prefer a penis or a vagina or both, or in the very rare case, neither. PERIOD. PLEASE LET THIS ALL SYNCH IN KIDS. YOU ARE BEING LIED TOO, DECIEVED, MIND-CONTROLLED, & INDOCTRINATED. The fact that this even needs to be reiterated & discussed is mind-blowing & sickening. Our society's future is fucked, unless more young people are AWAKENED TO TRUTH, & more of the older generations STOP BELIEVING THE LIES & FILTH that is being pushed to control, separate, & censor you from ACTUAL TRUTH. And don't even get me started on the number of evil pedos eliets in power & government, for they are the ones who started & are pushing these agendas.

id: 463857 - Text: If she wants to be male why is she acting so feminine with her legs crossed, wearing female short shorts, her arms swinging, and giggling, etc.??? Most trans males I’ve seen try their best to act masculine. All I see here is a female with facial hair. So gender is who you go to bed as, sexuality is who you go to bed with, and she “guesses” she has a vagina because what is female body parts and what is male body parts???!! Too cringe for me! 😬 As always, I’m betting most of the flowery comments are bots! 😖
