31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 542469 - Text: Everyone says she regrets, but she doesn't. People like this never change, they will bite the hand that feeds them every chance they get. What a waste of money. What a waste of people. I have zero sympathy for her. And 1000% for her kids. Glad she's helping them get the exact same life as her. And this video guy, I can't believe he was just blindly throwing money at her, as if that ever helped anyone. The only thing he was good for is reminding me that there is NO point in helping these kinds of people leave them to rot in their own filth they sit in.

id: 542476 - Text: Well I hate to say it but I called this in her last video. IDK it's like I could see right through her.

id: 542513 - Text: I think she seems very authentic in this video and much stronger then in the last. It’s her authentic lifestyle at this point as sad as it sounds she seems sort of more true to what she wants.

id: 542518 - Text: I get the creepy vibe off Mark. I always suspected it but this video confirmed it. He fell in love, got hustled and got taken for a ride. My bet is one day a bunch of stuff will come out about this guy and his coercion of some of the girls and women he has interviewed. You can hear the heartbreak in his voice and his story doesn't sound right. He drove by her house on the way to the gym? That's unlikely. He had to use the bathroom so he asked for a key to go into her apartment? Sounds weird. He got hustled and the integrity of his interviews have been diminished because of it.

id: 542533 - Text: Don't really have much sympathy for her anymore. Was rooting for her in the other videos, but just comes accross as a hustler here. She had a way out with her kids and chose to stay in the game.

id: 542569 - Text:  @shermanhelmsley1230  why didnt he say that in the video? isnt that something his viewers should know so they dont come to same conclusion i did? still reflects very poorly on him as the middleman. it also makes me suspicious of how much gofundme cash he is receiving on behalf of his “subjects”. apparently enough to send over 2k in a day without blinking an eye. makes me suspect that he is absolutely flush in gofundme funds that he is missappropriating. the gushing comments about him looks awful like the businesses that orchestrate fake positive reviews for themselves. and making a video like this provides a cover by diverting blame to his derelict “subjects”

id: 542581 - Text: Mark and the audience were her easiest trick. Tell sob story, pretend you want out, profit. I totally saw this coming after the second video. Please stop enabling them people.

id: 542613 - Text: Damn this hustler. I am really upset about this. We're all hurt by this. Love your videos Mark. You're a good guy and you walk a side of life we don't want to. Looking back at the earlier videos, I can see how she was not giving her opinion but just nodding and agreeing with everything. Ultimately we live the lives we make for ourselves. If we don't know better then I guess it's hard to follow a different path. She lacks the maturity to want out or even apologise. The only thing I can say in her defence is that I know from personal experience that not having a support network can be a problem.

id: 542674 - Text: Her "SILENCE" speaks too much volumes.... noise and waves that undeniably answers too many questions as I was watching this video!! Markkkk ohh Markyyy...... money isn't always the solutions.... she is still so hook on this lifestyle and one day she will be realize this good gestures you done for her and for her kids!! All the best for her and you Mark simply have golden heart <3

id: 542675 - Text: Let this video be a lesson to you all that come in these comments and buy into these people’s BS… Yea it’s sad and we all feel sorry for them, but they know that and it’s all part of the game. It’s part of the hustle. Nothing wrong with helping a little, but you can not get too involved. Shit can get wicked.
