10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 51728 - Text: The porn industry takes advantage of all of us.

id: 51729 - Text:  @1adadada  I’m a man. I neither masturbate nor watch porn. Just so you know, there are some of us out here.

id: 51736 - Text:  @readmore4178  l agree we should all read more.. SINCERELY! I see nothing wrong with porn as long as it doesn't become an obsession. Reading is so UNDERRATED. I never had money but travelled to different lands, in different times, made " friends" l will never forget... It's fundamental for intelligence ( watch me get clobbered.. LOL!)

id: 51737 - Text:  @janicejacome6699  I am surprised to hear anyone, let alone a woman, suggest that there is "nothing wrong with porn". Porn became widespread, after the Larry Flint case, absurdly, turned sexual exploitation into a free speech issue. The decline of the West tracks directly with the ascent of porn. The decline of sexual morality has destroyed every civilization in which it has occurred. In fact, it is the catalyst of the end (see J.D. Unwin - who agreed with your thinking, until he did the most complete study of the matter).

id: 51741 - Text: No, broken people take advantage of the porn industry and they shouldn't be judged at all for doing it. Also not everyone in porn is "broken"

id: 51752 - Text: Amen. Porn is crap, it damages everyone involved, including the viewers, except the producers.

id: 51755 - Text:  @jesse-4198  I was trafficked at birth and forced to do porn and sex work most of my life. I was forced to be a sex slave for elite men. You don’t need to fucking MANSPLAIN to me about this shit, you fucking pig.

id: 51760 - Text:  @TheYouthquaker  She has endured abuse and can identify it. She has been on a journey of healing. We saw her express pain when talking about her childhood and she was expressing herself completely differently when she started talking about her son, her husband, and her job. Not everyone hates porn, not everyone hates sex. It's sad that people will not respect this woman enough to listen to her own words and expressions and instead just project their own puritanical sex-shaming feelings onto this woman.

id: 51761 - Text:  @amyc.513  I’m definitely not slut shaming or puritanical. I just don’t think anyone should sex industry having been through it myself. I never fucking said I hate sex. Don’t put words in my mouth. Even the women who enjoy doing porn, there are always people in it that aren’t doing it by choice. Most of the women don’t like it. I never said there’s not one who does. But let’s not beat around the bush and say it’s fun to do it for work. Most of us were abused. Most of us also don’t have the support or means to fully heal or recover, which is in part due to the shit hole that is America. As a former sex worker myself, I spoke with sex workers in De Wallen in Amsterdam and most if not all of those women, who just because it’s legal there, everyone thinks loves or enjoys it. No, they tell tales of slavery and being bought and forced into it. So before you go on about how amazing sex work is, you MUST address the misogyny, patriarchy, sexism, violence, slavery that started it and still involves it. If you want to support it, that’s great and all, but you’re ignoring the horrors of it. Most poem and sex work isn’t fun. Look at even the illegal and widespread rape videos and CP on PORNHUB. It in and of itself isn’t a problem. I support it in philosophy and theory, but in practice it’s a disaster. And it’s large;u run by men. Almost entirely. So please spare me.

id: 51763 - Text:  @amyc.513  you’re a moron. You should read the stories of many porn actresses, like Sasha or Bonnie or Jenna or many others. Horrible beginnings and abuse and often ran away and ended up doing porn and sex work underage. Please look at all the sex workers who SPOKE OUT AGAINST IT after leaving.
