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id: 463866 - Text: ​ @JamieSuzanne. Thank you for knowing TRUTH! Truly it sucks that any of this even needs to be said, but the only way to reverse their delusional mind-control is by doing the EXACT same things they did to program this filth into their minds in the first place...repetition, though of TRUTH/SCIENTIFIC TRUTH/SPIRITUAL TRUTH. All that filth was repeatedly pounded into their young minds through words, made up or used in the wrong way, symbols, music, television, books/magazines, the internet, & countless social media platforms that are continually being created & multiplying at rapid speeds. Notice how Haskell said how "he" didn't know what "he" was or to call himself until the right "vocabulary" & "ways to be/act" were taught/shown/introduced to "him", & he didn't know "trans men" existed till he was 16, hmmmmmm🤔. So she was a "tomboy type" who still was/is attracted to men, untill she discovered & was indoctrinated about transgenders, now all of a sudden she is still a straight female, but now wants to live as a "gay man"🤯. The few actual transgender people I have known, knew at a very young age that they were confused & mentally felt like the opposite sex, NOT at age 16. Plus, she is not even gay & "realized she was trans" once she learned about it. Man. Also, notice how Mark said to her that she is NOT like the typical "trans man" in regards to the way she thinks, acts, & portrays🤔. And when Haskell said "I love being a slut, love to fuck for money"...just heartbreaking. Where were her parents? Proper parental/adult guidance? Love & nuturing? How anyone can say proudly that they are a slut & love it, I just cannot comprehend, nor believe this is true. Haskell barely spoke about her upbringing, & I can almost guarentee that there was sexual trauma in her childhood. That would make a lot more sense as to why she is hyper-sexual & pretending to be a man so she can hide behind the tormented, abused, not heard, not properly loved, & scared little girl within. In her mind sex equals love, nuture, need, & validation. I am going to pray for Haskell, for the abused, hurt, scared (but now a survivor deserving of love & nuture) little girl within me can sense hers from miles away

id: 463872 - Text: +1. The way he needs to show how happy he is, is not genuin. I feel sorry that he hasn't got anything but sex. There is so much more to life.❤

id: 463924 - Text: It is not normal to ha e sex with a transgender person. I mean no hate when I say this. Everyone deserves love.

id: 463928 - Text: Gender is not sexuality. I just love your explanation and continued explanation of that! You are very understanding about that. You are gorgeous in your transformation and I’m glad you are happy!

id: 463930 - Text: Just about every trans man I see is involved with sex work and date men. The deviance level is off the charts

id: 463932 - Text: Like to see an interview with a trans person who doesent feel the need to be so over the top. Like a person who just goes to a job that doesn’t involve sex work. One that can function, pay bills and just goes through life.

id: 463939 - Text: Ya keep thinking your something your really not and doing porn and sex work that's real healthy. You people in the comments are so ridiculous it's almost comical

id: 463959 - Text: Maybe just maybe they are living out an unhealed trauma of a sexual nature and that’s why they go into the sex industry?

id: 463960 - Text:  @maddart4445  I'm shocked that a young woman that would do that to her body is dealing with some sort of unhealed sexual trauma. I bet she went through horrible things she didn't talk about that her family ignored. Especially her "therapist" mother. One of these sicko medical professionals with a liberal progressive agenda to trans as many people they can even their own children

id: 463962 - Text: I still am in complete shock & disgust about how she (or he or whatever she has been lied to about what she feels she "needs" to be called other than the TRUTH) honestly feels she is NOT decieving real gay men, eventhough she has a vagina & not a penis like they prefer, & she HONESTLY feels in her confused mind that if real gay men do not want/accept her, THEY are "transphopic ". Just sickening! The current delusional state of our mind-controlled youth/Gen Z/those asleep, is just that...DELUSIONAL! Absolutely NONE of my true gay male friends would want to date/have sex with her, & NOT because she is "trans", but because she has a vagina, & real gay men want a penis. This newly created "transphobic" shit is getting out of hand. I'm sorry, but as a woman who wants a choses a REAL MAN, in no way in hell would I date a woman who chopped off her breasts & claims to be a man. Not because I am being judgemental, but because I am straight & have no desire to be intimats with a woman who chooses to look like & live as a "man". Anyone who thinks this is anything else but truth, then it's time to wake the fuck up! The entitlement & delusions of Haskell are all in Haskell's mind. Parents, if it's not too late, PLEASE homeschool your children, or there is a good chance that Haskell is their future, which is beyond scary
