31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 542684 - Text: I don't feel like he should've addressed the first half like an interrogation or like how a pimp would question a girl .he often uses the word "I helped" or " I paid for" ..a ho doesn't ask for money she demands it and she also doesnt ask help she goes and gets it. Both parties are just..👎👎in this video

id: 542739 - Text: This video is so infuriating. As someone poor with a shit life & I work a shit job, I dont have kids because of my shit life I wasnt bringing kids in to (also liberals ruining everything)…. Im grateful for $1 anyone gives me, which is pretty much NEVER. I just couldnt IMAGINE being offered this kind of help/money & then continuing to ask for more, couldnt even fathom someone handing me $1000-2000 no questions asked, multiple times -even dead dope sick I couldnt ask for $20! Not gonna lie if I did get a few bucks, some money would go to drugs, but I wouldnt be giving it to some boy whos perfectly capable of getting off his ass & hustling himself… theyre always using the girls (wouldnt call these males men) & I wouldnt go back to homeless for these monsters. I understand the violence thing, but she was given the opportunity to relocate 🤦🏼‍♀️ I guess being lonely is scarier to some than getting beaten & giving all your money away, which I know but still so infuriating. It bums me out these wasnt even an apology & then the male just ‘yup I take the money & it goes to him first THEN the kids, then her if anys left’. •Side note, dont get the fentanyl love, not her but other videos, out in LA, its complete garbage where I am & people would kill for heroin, & you cant get it anywhere here

id: 542749 - Text: Never heard Mark talk this much during a video. Who is interviewing who? You have a difficult job there Mark. Much praise to you for all the help you give and attempt to give people.

id: 542760 - Text: She was a lost cause since the first video mark was truly fooled and played with...she doesnt want out she wont get help she dont gaf about her kids

id: 542765 - Text: I'm sorry, but is Mark a social worker? Is he equipped to acctually help addicts and pimps and prostitutes? Or is he a videographer trying to be famous off of these people's stories? Maybe give the money to organizations that are much better equipped and understanding of the dynamics and nuances of this complex situation. Maybe write to local politicians and petition for investment and growth of programs created for this purpose. Definetly lost a viewer acting like some martyr saint who needed this story to go a certain way. Look into CODA. And take a step back and reassess what exactly you are trying to do with your art. I liked this channel because it brought a certain humanity to all the people interviewed, it showed them without shame and guilt, and that is not what you did here. Despite the shame also being human, it just became about Mark not the subject. He didn't even let her talk!! While they should be accountable for their actions and lives, so should Mark. This was explotative, enabling and contributing to the problem. Plus, I'm sure Fly asked for his final cut for doing this interview right? He's a businessman, he's not leaving his very lucrative and abusive business. And neither is she, not anytime soon if ever. She needs PROFESSIONAL help and she has to really, really want it. She's still too young to understand. I hope some day she does.

id: 542783 - Text: Quit telling this Mark guy he's a good person. A good person doesn't enable drug addicted prostitute with tens of thousands of dollars in "donations" that have strings tied to it and insert themselves into their life like this. All of these videos are exploitive. If he was the good person you all think he is he would go to college and become a social worker or therapist. Not exploit tragedy on YouTube for money.

id: 542803 - Text: This broke my heart! She looks different than the previous video she looks like an empty void 😔 omg broke my heart! Omg I want to help her

id: 542804 - Text: Am I the only one who watched the video before this one feeling like it was obvious that she was lying a ton and being evasive? I couldn’t believe all the comments on that video about how inspirational and fantastic she is.

id: 542815 - Text: So sad. I have only just watched her earlier video and then this. Wish her all the best in life. 💜

id: 542824 - Text: I think the role of her drug addiction throughout all of this has been severely underscored, she had a long time crystal meth addiction and seemed to “kick” it in a month which is incredibly unrealistic. In the last video when she said it was easy for her to stop doing it i instantly knew where this was headed. Gang activity, drugs, prostitution are all so inextricably linked. The effect crystal meth has on a person’s brain can disrupt their brain function for years. Everything subconsciously become about getting the drug and using. Like many people have said, if it’s not the person themselves going out of their way to ask for help and make a change it very rarely goes anywhere in the long term.
