31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 542856 - Text: Sad man. I saw first video and was rooting for her. Mark you are a genuine dude.

id: 542857 - Text: My heart breaks. I’m very glad you addressed the systemic issues that birth these situations. I feel for everyone in this video. Sending love ❤️

id: 542859 - Text: Something about that girl breaks my heart. Every time I see one of her videos I just want to grab her and hug her, I just see a hurt little girl.

id: 542888 - Text: Reddit comment #3 (some good advice on how it SHOULD have been handled): I felt the second video (first update) put a target on Asriah’s back. I’m not 100% sure this wasn’t a hustle from the very beginning, but if I give her the benefit of the doubt and she really was doing “all the right things” during the second update, then why did Mark exploit that? By saying there was a Go Fund Me page and letting viewers know she was getting financial help, he basically said to all the people that used to be in her life, “Hey Asriah has money!” They could have threatened to harm her kids or her grandmother, who has been watching them, if she didn’t cooperate. When you help an addict/prostitute/gang member, you don’t broadcast any information to the world. You quietly remove them from the situation and hide them. Wherever she was taken to, it wasn’t far enough away. You don’t stay in the same state. I have experience in this. My little cousin was in the exact same situation in Baltimore, Maryland. She actually felt safer in jail. And when she became eligible for early release, she begged to stay in jail because she knew she wouldn’t survive on the outside. And she didn’t. Within months she was gone. I don’t understand why Mark was freely giving her money without questions asked. You never give money to an addict. Ever. You get them what they need but you never give them money. If they need clothes, you take them clothes shopping. If their children need clothes or toys or what have you, you go get it for them. You don’t give them money. There’s no ifs, ands or buts about it. You just don’t do it. They have to be held accountable. I’ve seen other comments about the apartment. Mark had every right to check on that apartment. It should have been a condition of her living there, that either he or somebody else would check on that apartment weekly. She should’ve had a very minimal weekly allowance and she should’ve had a job. That’s why I said it was critical for her to be as far removed from the situation as possible. She should have been in rehab for a minimum of 90 days and preferably at a rehab facility that has a work program to help acclimate them back into a normal life. The first month of rehab is paid in advance, which the Go Fund Me Page would have covered. The second and third month are paid by the recovering addict out of their wages. They’re are so many great programs available, and if she had been in one, I think she would have had a chance… but only if her whereabouts had been kept more of a secret and she wasn’t on YouTube. There were numerous missteps and now that she’s been cut off financially, I fear she’s in a worse position than she was before all of this. I get and appreciate what Mark is trying to do, but this was way out of his element.

id: 542889 - Text: Reddit comment #2: Thank you. The comments on the first 2 videos are so sympathetic, saying I hope you turn you life around etc etc. Yet as soon as she makes one wrong choice, everyone's at her throat? Like this girl has gotten through life as a prostitute since she was 13. She knows NOTHING about becoming a normal member of society. Just giving her money and an apartment is not a magic solution. And I knew it wouldn't be after watching the 2nd video. Mark and all the commenters were putting SO much pressure on her to magically change. That's not how it works.... at all. It takes women several tries to get out of the life. Just like women who leave their abusive husbands. On average, they will go back after leaving him 7 TIMES before they're finally ready to leave for good. And now this latest video has Mark straight up shaming her for her choices, and broadcasts that failure to millions of people to join in on shaming her. Poor fucking girl. She needs help from a women's shelter who knows the psychological aspect. And yeah, my mind is blown that he thought it was a good idea to say the amount of money he gave to her. He's about to have a TON of people start telling him lies, trying to scam him.

id: 542890 - Text: Reddit comment #1: Mark is putting his interviewees in danger. Asriah's video garnered a lot of sympathy for Mark and his perceived kindness. The money that Mark gave to her was very kind, but it is unrealistic and unfair to judge Asriah for giving the money away. She was and continues to be exploited, and everyone knows who Mark is and what he does. Of course people would threaten her after they saw her interview with him. His newest video with her is just going to make her life more difficult. In general I find Mark's videos, while educational, irresponsible and damaging. He centers himself and clearly has no education regarding the world he is diving into and no desire to learn. In his latest video with Asriah, he says that she is "more loyal to [her pimp] than to me," implying that he sees them as objects within his control rather than having their own independence and complex issues. Edit: He is also putting himself in danger. I might have a problem with what he does but I hope he does not get hurt.

id: 542891 - Text: Please re-post this comment as a reply in more areas! People need to understand the deeply harmful nature of this type of video/dynamic.

id: 542892 - Text: Interesting. I had posted some comments last night from Reddit. They were very insightful ones about how Mark may be putting Asriah in danger by advertising the fact he was sending her large amounts of cash. And how it was not a surprise that pimps would be chasing her down to get on that cash supply. And also a comment about how it is unrealistic and lacking in true empathy to expect her to suddenly jump into a different life when this is all she has known. And how sad it is for the commenters to support her in the first two videos but turn on her in this one, when she chooses to stick with the life she is familiar with. But my comments were deleted. It is disappointing to know that this channel isn't open to a healthy discussion with different viewpoints on the matter, ones that consider Asriah's wellbeing even further than just throwing some cash at her and expecting her to change.

id: 542901 - Text: 10:35 😭😭😭😭😭 look at this Nigga💀 , I can’t be the only person that find these videos this entertaining

id: 542908 - Text: Don’t give up Mark! Im praying for your safety after every video.
