58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 464187 - Text:  @emilyG59  "No sign" because all trauma is easily spotted, people dont hide their pain or simply are confused about their own true feelings? And you'd think that cutting your breasts off, taking hormones to get facial- and body hair, permanently deepened voice etc and calling yourself the sex that nature didn't give you would be signs enough of something being wrong :person-turqouise-waving:

id: 464203 - Text:  @taintedlife2618  if I hated this individual, I'd sit back in delight and smile that she has made life ruining choices. She's clearly not stable. Doing that to her body and then getting into sex work and performing that kind of sin on camera for money. Allowing someone to do this to themselves and cheering on their destruction is hate and it's evil. You are the banality of evil.

id: 464205 - Text:  @adrt9688  yes we as in gay men as in same SEX attracted gay men!

id: 464209 - Text: I pray she finds Jesus. 🙏 there is a very demonic spirit that confuses the gender. No one is born that way. It is them coming into agreement with the demon that tells her shes male. 😢 i pray she finds Jesus asap! Jesus is coming and the time to repent has come and to turn from sin. Read 2 Timothy. No adulterers, homosexuals, drunkards, liars, thieves, murderers FORNICATORS will inherit the kingdom of God! I pray she finds her true identity in Christ. There are only 2 genders male and female created in Gods image. People better wske up and read the bible. Gods word will never die but this world is dying. Jesus is coming.....get ready all the stories are true! He wilk heal you,! Dueteronomy speaks that a woman is to not dress as a man and a man is not to dress as a woman for all is an abomination to God! Read Gods word! That joy is a facade. Only Jesus can bring us true joy! Oh how i pray you find the One who died for you dear sister.

id: 464217 - Text: He turns into a man and has sex with men with his female genitalia. 🤔 I'd rather not think about it too much.

id: 464227 - Text: The mystery question - is - has it got a Johnson - as in sex change Penis🎉🎉🎉 Seems that was a dumb question as on her Porn bio heshe is a SQUIRTER🎉🎉

id: 464241 - Text: 😂😂😂 great comment. I’d rather not break my head over the other guy’s sexual preference 😅

id: 464242 - Text: Her mustache looks very sexy

id: 464257 - Text: Still gay…that’s all it is…a man dressed as a woman seeking a man is just a gay man. Hyper-sexuality on full display.

id: 464259 - Text: sexuality has nothing to do with your gender
