31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 542918 - Text:  @amitbhatia6540  She literally has no family, stated in the previous videos.

id: 542936 - Text: Well he better help he probably made a shit load of money off her video heakes money off these peoples confessions

id: 542937 - Text:  @texasrangerwalker8945  People donated their money to this girl through a go fund me. These people aren’t confessing anything. They’ve agreed to share their story in hopes of awareness and/monetary gain. He specifically says that if the videos go off then they will receive proceeds. It’s just that this rat got over on a lot of people.

id: 542958 - Text: Everyone says she regrets, but she doesn't. People like this never change, they will bite the hand that feeds them every chance they get. What a waste of money. What a waste of people. I have zero sympathy for her. And 1000% for her kids. Glad she's helping them get the exact same life as her. And this video guy, I can't believe he was just blindly throwing money at her, as if that ever helped anyone. The only thing he was good for is reminding me that there is NO point in helping these kinds of people leave them to rot in their own filth they sit in.

id: 542981 - Text: ​ @LP-hs6yz This video was pretty much laugh out loud hilarious and predictable. I'm personally just glad she's safe and surviving.

id: 542989 - Text:  @lp.shakur the whole first few minutes of this video were him boasting

id: 543000 - Text: What a difference between her first video and this one. She has the thousand yard stare now.

id: 543044 - Text: I think that you almost had her “true self” Mark. It’s not that she was aiming to use you or your money in a bad way. It’s the way she kept silent in this video that actually spoke volumes. She’s been beaten before, held at gunpoint. She learned the hard way to protect herself and learn how to feel “nothing” at least that is what I see. She can’t even tell you sorry, because I could see it in her eyes. This really hurts, it hurts me that people like her are out in this world fighting wars within themselves.. not feeling safe enough to actually be themselves. Truly, she’s trying to survive and make it to the next breath..

id: 543080 - Text: Well intentioned you probably are but lacking some skills and training to work with deeply traumatized people. Going in as a saviour is not the solution. You would benefit from training on how to speak about their traumas, to improve your own awareness, at times these videos feel exploitative. This woman has done what she needs to do to survive since she was 13 and younger. You are/were in no way equipped to sort all that out and it was deeply naive to think you were. I'm sorry for her that she wasn't in a place to use this opportunity due to circumstances very few of us could ever comprehend unless we've walked a mile in her shoes.

id: 543149 - Text: There’s 2 million likes on this video. I pray at least half of that number has prayed for this poor woman who’s a product of her circumstance.
