31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 543155 - Text: You can take the person out of the hood but you ain't taking the hood out of the person. She's too far gone man she played you and she's going to tell you what you want to hear in this video.

id: 543178 - Text: In the holly book of Quran - God says that the message is put into the heart of those He Knows will accept or be open to accept the message - another way put - if YOU are not willing to help YOURSELF - why should anyone else. Mark is in fact putting himself at risk for getting involved in such situation and she can’t even do right by him. It’s truly sad and disappointing. I was actually rooting for her in the first video

id: 543186 - Text: Yes what she did was bad but Mark seems to be over stepping also. After you came back from your holiday you showed up at the apartment then showed up again the next day. Like watching the house? Then helped yourself to another key and went through the apartment. Talking about her loyalty to you vs another man. Sounds more like romantic relationship. Hopefully there's no 'extra curricular activitys' with these very vulnerable people. I got creepy vibes from this video.

id: 543204 - Text: Let her do the talking ffs! Or just videotape yourself while having a 5 hour long introduction. Film the one attending to the viewers

id: 543243 - Text: So happy I discovered your channel. You have such an amazing heart. Never give up. My heart goes out to all the people you interview. I'm an addict and these videos make me feel less alone. My heart also breaks for you, trying to help and people take advantage. Never know who to really blame but it doesn't make it hurt any less

id: 543245 - Text: kind of makes this whole endeavour a bit questionable. edit: but it is kind of remarkable that she agreed to do this video in a way. I'm actually wondering why. She's probably feeling very conflicted about a lot of things. overall quite sad. also: "un-com-fortable" :/

id: 543246 - Text: This is the first video I see of this woman and Mark's story made me so sad and disgusted at the same time....I feel so sorry for him. I hate betrayal. She didn't even apologize....I hope he doesn't lose the goodness in him because of disappointing human beings like her. 😭

id: 543261 - Text: God damn never seen a video like that before

id: 543263 - Text: yep, totally took advantage of you. You went in with pure intentions but you got played. making a video taking her to task is not of any use to her certainly, maybe some use to you for content but you have to realize there are some people thankfully very few, that you actually have to turn your back on and walk away. You cannot shame this type of broken person into doing anything good as sickening it is to say you must use your energy to help someone that really will leverage it. sorry man, hard lesson to learn for you.

id: 543274 - Text: I'm sorry for everyone in this video and in this situation all over the world It's heartbreaking and I wish her kids never stumble on those videos and have a better life and not end in this cycle
