31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 543469 - Text: "WE'RE ALL STILL ROUTIN FOR ASRIA" "NEVER WORK HARDER THAN YOUR CLIENT" Thats a good quote I think that quote can be applied to anyone who sincerely helps someone that doesnt want the help. Painful... And this story is told in a way that hits home across the country and across all racial and community lines. Good Videos Please follow up again every 3 to 6 months , because despite the obvious facts.... "We're all still routin for Asriah"

id: 543484 - Text: yea she was lying and finessing in the last videos. Now the cats out the bag she can be herself. She’s knows all the finessing is over

id: 543488 - Text: Yup u can tell in the second video

id: 543502 - Text: It’s so sad to how she looked healthy in the previous video, it seemed as if she was actually going to quit the street life for good and get on a road to recovery. It’s really sad. I can see that she’s using again and she looks drained, tired and over it. I can tell because I have friends who have drug dependencies and I can honestly tell. She looks like a shell of herself. Maybe it’s the disappointment but it’s so sad man 💔. Mark is trying to justify her behaviour but I think she’s well aware of the road she’s on. You can only get better if you make the decision to make the change. I believe becoming sober is a constant battle but she’s facing multiple bad influences. Street life, the gangs she’s involved with. It’s just sad man. Cause I can tell Mark is trying to help her get on the right path man. But like many people have said : you can’t save someone that doesn’t wanna be saved. I’m just worried about her poor kids man. Her silence displays her guilt and she knows she’s in the wrong. It’s not easy to cut ties but there’s “hope” for her. I just wish she believed it.

id: 543521 - Text: Damn I am a paranoid person in general and I don't trust people easily and that's because of the hardships I had to face at a younger age but I fought through it all and got to a much better place in life. I genuinely felt bad for her in the first video that you shot but I was also thinking at the same time that if this life is so hard where you have to jump out of cars etc why wouldn't you just leave it? Its not about education that she can't leave, she can easily go to an employment agency and get any job she wants but it will be hard work which she is not used to so doesn't want that. I wouldn't have helped her like this because I just couldn't trust her with the money, I would pay for the kids education etc and as soon as I find out she is back in that life the money would stop and her kids shouldn't even be with her. I don't know how she is with her kids but those kids deserve a better life, she is exactly like her mom and wouldn't change ever so I am glad Mark you are stopping that help and honestly I want to say you have a heart of gold, you are such a good dude man. If I could I would give you a hug cause there aren't many people like you in this world, I do feel you have touched the heart of Asriah and she might change because of that. Time will tell how this story ends but I wanted to thank you for being an awesome dude and keep shinning bright.

id: 543532 - Text: Thank you, my thoughts exactly…when people do stuff like this it makes you jaded towards helping anyone else.. I’m sure he will still help. But these videos inspire others to help others.. but you have people that have their doubts.. “me” that know stuff like this happens all the time. I’ve been burned many of times helping people or trying to help.. getting smug responses like the one she gave or this insane sense of entitlement as if I was supposed to help. That’s why I don’t go out of my way for anyone anymore.

id: 543547 - Text: It's interesting that comments on this video are night and day, Reddit vs YouTube. The YouTube comments are full of praise for this photographer who is interviewing people. Reddit is slamming this video for the lack of empathy, and for potentially starting trouble instead of helping.

id: 543602 - Text: It does make sense, you need a deprogrammer for these women, she's been raised to listen to these men and that's not going to change in a month. Even writing a book would be traumatic she'd need a therapist to do it with her unless she's on drugs and detached like she's in this video. I hope her kids are safe and away because they'll go right into that life and treat women the way they se their mother letting herself be treated.

id: 543615 - Text: Why didn't she change her number? I got the feeling from the last video that she was missing that life. Then with nothing but time on her hands and unlimited funds available to her, through you, she had too much idle time and an idle mind is the devil's playground.

id: 543639 - Text: I know that you are relatively new to people like this. You grew up in a much different life, which is why you find all of this so fascinating and film worthy. PLEASE, take it from me. I have grown up, and spent my life around "people" like this. I just finished watching this, and the original video you made of her. I've been yelling at my phone the entire time, because I see right through her bullshit lies and manipulation tactics. If you are smart, you will take these next words to heart... SHE IS NOT being used, controlled OR extorted. Her "boyfriend/pimp😂 on the other hand, IS...and SO ARE YOU! Everything this girl has said is a lie. She lies in order to make you(and EVERYONE she encounters), believe that she is a sweet, sad little victim who needs and deserves help. She does NOT deserve your help! Do NOT give her another dime. She doesn't give a damn about her own kids, or she DAMN SURE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU! That guy is NOT her pimp. He's NEVER been to prison. He's NOT even in a gang! It's SOOOO obvious(to me), what game they're playing. In reality, that guy is in love with her. She does NOT love him in return. She leads him on, making him, her little bitch boy. He will do and say whatever she tells him to. And right now, she needs him to play the part of her pimp/dangerous gang banger/money manager/VICTIMIZER. The only way that she can CONTINUE using and extorting YOU(now that she's been caught red-handed), is by making you believe that she is STILL being victimized. SHE IS NOT THE VICTIM!! SHE IS THE VICTIMIZER!!! It won't be long before you get a phone call from her, saying that SHE finally has the strength to get away from HIM, but she just needs money. She's ready to live the life that you wanted for her. DO NOT BUY IT!!! IT'S ALL AN ACT AND A SCAM!!! Believe me, I know that's not what you want to hear. I know this. But it's the truth, and you need to believe it. You have a big heart. A big, trusting, naive heart that has a lot to offer. Don't waste it on people who don't deserve it. 💙. This girl will NEVER stop playing you...EVER. The sooner that you believe that, the better off you will be. Good luck.
