31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 544358 - Text: this is frustrating to watch, man!? gave the girl the means to start a new and better life for her and her kids to the tune of a house and thousands of dollars and she just took advantage of you for it!, all she could do was smirk in your face!?, im surprised she turned up for the video to be honest!?.....which ever way you look at it, and considering the fact that she could have just lost that cunts number, she pissed in your face. i applaud you for trying though Mark!...youre a good man.

id: 544369 - Text: First, outstanding work videos the whole cabush, excellent. Second, I have been around the world to some hard places, wars, poverty abject misery and the good in people who have to survive in these environments. India, North regions, families there live on less than a dollar a day and manage somehow, they are kind and being Hindi believe in the circle of life, I won't explain but sometimes you have to give up on individuals that take, don't help themselves and exploit a kind altruistic human. There are many more deserving humans on the planet, I hope you find them. The thousands you gave to her could have kept and educated a whole family/generation in some of these places but there are still the same types all over the planet so, be well, carry on and feel good about what you have done.

id: 544382 - Text: I don't think she choose anything. The pimp probably just showed up at her apartment and demanded the gofundme money from her. I bet they watch these videos and see the money. And they probably have threatened to do sth to her or her kids if she doesn't do what they want.

id: 544410 - Text: Video whould be named :" An prostetute interview a Simp "

id: 544424 - Text: I literaly just saw the 2nd Video and thought that Mattwas getting played by her nor sayin much..…but no idea on the amount..damn..

id: 544450 - Text: How do you feel about this? "Ugh..... well I'm a piece of shit" That should've been the first thing outta her mouth. Followed by "I'm sorry" which wouldn't have meant shit. To which I would've ended the video while saying "Don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with you"

id: 544504 - Text: It’s damn near too much too see the life gone from her in such a short time. Mark, I commend you for being a fantastic human AND for doing the fucking work that gives people like our dear Asriah the opportunity to change. I know this one was not easy for you. It got to me in 3 short videos!! The cyclical nature of this type of lifestyle is what is so tragic. All we can do is try and be better to those around us and maybe……maybe break the chain,or at least weaken it a bit! Keep up the good work. It’s never too late for Asriah or anyone else for that matter!

id: 544517 - Text: Mark, blame the rich for not sharing their wealth?? That part bothered me to be honest. Sharing the wealth is literally what you’ve done here and look what it helped.. absolutely nothing. It actually is a great representation to the social programs that we spend so much money on in this country that don’t do a thing. You can throw as much money at something as you want, but if a certain person our group isn’t willing to work on THEMSELVES as well… then it’s a lost cause. Thank you for these videos.

id: 544538 - Text: The savior culture in America is 🤮. One man can't solve our systemic problems. But 'he tries!' I hear some of yall say...pssh maybe but to me it seems like he just wants to make a video of these 'poor forgotten souls' and make himself feel better. But 'he gave her money!' Others will say...pssh so he's in a position to give large sums of money to strangers, that don't make him special. My man just wants to be a white father figure savior. He master he know best...🤢

id: 544554 - Text: This is heartbreaking, having seen the past video.
