58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 466798 - Text: This is so sad. I’ve known more than a few young girls who’ve had similar experiences. It is a classic story at this point. A young girl is sexualized by pedophile men in their early teens, has a pedophile father/uncle/brother, poor female role models… ends up prostituting herself like this poor girl. Heck it nearly happened to me, thankfully I was able to make the similar money working as a glorified cocktail/cigar girl. Not quite the $10k she claimed but at least $1k up to $3-4k max on weekend’s and 20-30% less on week day’s. Though those positions are definitely more difficult to come by as most cities only have one or two of the high class spots.

id: 466799 - Text: She's so sexy

id: 466800 - Text: Yo I would follow her Instagram she account would keep getting hack by Brittanya kind of running like a ig sex ring I seen it with other girls too !!!

id: 466803 - Text: Cool interview Cherry, sexy lady.

id: 466805 - Text: I'm so glad she's honest about strippers having sex with clients geez they act so self righteous, we all know you have sex with clients

id: 466822 - Text:  @newporttaylor2702  ah only fans, so it's a sex industry job...same thing.

id: 466823 - Text:  @a.wanderer5006  haha what does it being sex work have to do with her being on a corner? Great correlation 🤣

id: 466842 - Text: Yeah, you have body dysmorphia. Thinking you look sexy and skinny is delusional; you're not. You're already jaded and don't like men. Please don't reproduce. Or get more ugly tattoos.

id: 466850 - Text: Many clubs have a "rule" where strippers aren't meant to have sex with patrons, but it's bs. The dancers skirt around this when they bring men to the private rooms. People look the other way if it doesn't happen out in the open. Owners don't care so long as the money comes in. Cherry could be lying to avoid getting in trouble with management or the law, especially as her face is now on the internet, and she named the places where she works.

id: 466851 - Text: 500-1000 a night is average for most strippers in a good season . some men give you 100s of dollars at a time (do the math) w/o sex. dont speak on stuff when you dont know what your talking about girl .
