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id: 466936 - Text:  @sarahalderman3126  You keep confirming my point. The sex industry is overwhelmingly women providing services. Therefore its far more prominant for the women to rely on their looks, thats just basic logic.

id: 466937 - Text:  @garibaldi54  hardly hun. The number of men and women functioning in the sex industry is roughly equal, women are just benefiting more because the demand is higher than the supply. Whereas the supply is higher than the demand for men not to mention the added stigma of homosexuality for men in the business, which forces mlm prostitution into the shadows. Statistically speaking world wide it is roughly equivalent though it is incredibly difficult to quantify as the largest segment of sex worker’s are minors preyed on by adult men.

id: 466939 - Text:  @garibaldi54  yes sweetie, that IS the fact of the matter. You see the porn industry is only a tiny fraction of the sex work industry. Most sex workers are just prostitutes, and work outside of legitimate employment. Furthermore outside of the west the majority of sex workers are in fact MALE, with the largest by FAR being BOYS! So yes hun that is what I’m saying and it is backed up by international consensus. It is all about supply and demand. Men are the demand and men also satisfy that demand far more than women do.

id: 466942 - Text:  @sarahalderman3126  Wheres your evidence? There isn't any, men go to female prostitutes because its much harder to get sex from women otherwise. Gay sex is easily obtainable for gay men without having to pay for it and women certainly aren't paying men for sex so you're just talking absolute nonsense here.

id: 466943 - Text:  @garibaldi54  lol, try the world health organization or any other human rights organization for that matter. The largest group of sex workers are young males between the ages of 7 and 24. This isn’t a hotly contested topic hun, it’s common knowledge.😉

id: 466944 - Text:  @sarahalderman3126  Huge difference between child abuse and people who are consciously choosing sex work as a career.

id: 466959 - Text: …. Men / women alike customers show their TRUE selves and the worse version of their selves when in the club space . They feel like the girls are just se* objects and can do or say anything because they are paying . They feel comfortable showing who they really are and coming from a SW once they walk into that door or get upstairs in VIP their guard comes down and they turn into disgusting creatures with zero respect for women or just people in general . And not ALL the customers but most of them yes male and female a like . We are sexually assaulted every night .

id: 466977 - Text:  @prettykitty5416  The average stripper isn't making 5k though and the ones that do definitely strip because they like it not because they're desperate. Think about it this way, in a survival situation you're desperate you drink your own piss and eat your best friend to stay alive when you get rescued you don't keep doing the same behaviors do you ? You're safe you're not desperate yore not hungry or thirsty time to move on with your life. It's the exact same for any type of sex work... unless you enjoy what you do. You can't say "I blew a guy in an alley because I had no money for food I was desperate" and then when you have thousands of dollars for food YOURE STILL BLOWING PEOPLE LOL

id: 467037 - Text: You are a father who wants a sex worker to mentor your daughter? Shame.

id: 467067 - Text:  @zheliak6536  Sure. And she reacted by becoming an alcoholic and promiscuous sex worker with bad personal relationships.
