58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 467195 - Text: Hate to break it you you but laryngitis doth not befit a sex worker, Sandy.

id: 467199 - Text: I guess one doesn't need to pass 5th grade to be a legal sex worker. The plural of brothel is brothels, not "brothel's".

id: 467266 - Text: Pimping is not more respected then D boys in no way shape or form. Cali and Fed prison system as a matter of fact - if you White or Mexican and you have a pimping charge then you better have rank status and money bc you will get smashed and stabbed off the yard. That is considered sexual degenerate behavior bc 9 out of 10 he gonna be mixed up with minors at one point or other. Pimping is NOT respected in the criminal world and considered sexual crime - get treated like a Chomo or Rapest.

id: 467293 - Text: Here is an easy trick. Date a young naive girl do drugs with her very addicting drugs than when she’s strung out don’t give her any drugs unless she agrees to have sex with men for money and gives u that money. Easy You’re welcome

id: 467334 - Text: As someone who works with sexual abuse survivors mainly kids I please urge you to stop interviewing the pimps I don’t think you realize how much they contribute to the child trafficking problem we have. So please remember that the next time you interview them we don’t need to necessarily know anything about them or what they do

id: 467342 - Text: Yeah, he could share a lot more knowledge and experience on abusing women and forcing them have sex for money and then stealing most of it. 🙄

id: 467479 - Text: I get the phrase "pimp" is how we label these guys, but they should really be known for what they actually do: sexual assault, extortion and rape. End "glorifying" pimping.

id: 467503 - Text:  @stillpantherportal1007  some hoes is just hoes, they like to be lazy and have sex, get out of here that all of em is in it because theyre in love with a pimp bullshit

id: 467567 - Text: I could care less about this guy, but it doesn’t sound like murder. Sounds like he said something over the phone that incriminated himself. Like how talking about sex trafficking, drug dealing, conspiracy etc. over the phone, can get you in a lot of trouble even though you don’t actually commit the crime. He also mentioned having three strikes, which would increase the punishment. There are a lot of crimes that could have resulted in a life sentence besides murder.

id: 467598 - Text: Romaine is like a high performance racing driver who knows how to hug the twists & turns. Only point I would question is that pimps are different than drug dealers. Aren't they selling a drug which is sex which can be just as addicting as cocaine or heroin? Sex addicts can lose everything (house, cars, marriage, relationship with their kids, etc.) from their addiction unless they seek help.
