31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 545092 - Text: This video was cringey as hell , how are you not gonna do no background check of her actually having kids ? What’s worst is you can tell you were hurt when you said you found those sex toys🤣

id: 545113 - Text: Ugh.. her first video was just 'matter of fact'.. the second video you could see the happiness on her face, and how full of joy she was excited for a new opportunity.. saying the right things it sounded like she understood 'hustling' was not the way to go through life.. but clicking on the thumbnail of this third video -- i saw the "hope" clothing, but the look on her face before Mark even started talking said it all.. so sad this one turned out the way it did.. as everyone has said - kudos to Mark for all he tried to do to help..

id: 545131 - Text: The psychology behind every person in this video is so profoundly complex it makes my brain hurt, starting with her. It will take a lot for her to deprogram herself, this lifestyle is so deeply ingrained in her.

id: 545135 - Text: grift - engage in petty or small-scale swindling. The way it works is the grifter asks for money and the "mark" gives it willingly. The person making the videos has lost his objectivity and has gotten emotionally involved. He needs to sit in that chair in front of the camera and tell his story. "Mark, so tell us, how was your childhood?" And lastly, - Doing something over and over wth the hope of a different outcome is the definition of insanity.

id: 545169 - Text: This man is doing Gods work. This young lady will be back and she will get it together and it will be thanks to Mark for showing her people can care about you and not just use you for their own gain and there are good people in the world. You can tell this whole video she regretted what she did to him. I’m praying for her to stay safe until the moment she surrenders.

id: 545178 - Text: Mark, this video reveals you to be vindictive, spiteful, manipulative, and naive (at best, although ignorant is more plausible). Using your platform and privilege to publicly shame an addict and repeated victim of sexual violence is beyond reprehensible. Trying to enter her home under such dubious excuses is pathetic. You're not a toddler – find somewhere to use the bathroom that won't violate someone's privacy. Are we supposed to feel sorry for poor old Mark who fell prey to wiles of this sinful vixen? Do you feel righteous and justified in your actions because you gave her money? She needs professional treatment, drug counseling, and most likely a host of other social services, not another pimp or sugar daddy posing as a kindly benefactor. Seriously, for shame, dude.

id: 545247 - Text: Blaming society etc has to end somewhere and individual responsibility has to take some form of importance. If you’re videos have shown anything, it’s that these ills are generational. Someone, somewhere, in the generation has to end it and some people bravely have and do. Although I’ve no idea what it is to live these lives, it’s a bit of a disservice to the power of personal responsibility to write off all personal responsibility with “it’s not your fault because…”. Then how does any of this ever end and how does the pain stop repeating? “Society” can’t fix everything, even in a perfect world.

id: 545252 - Text: She looks so different in this video. Like the first she was looking innocent but she looks much harder here.

id: 545275 - Text: Just made the money back he gave her from this video probably

id: 545277 - Text: Man these videos leave me speechless. I feel humbled, blessed and empathetic right now.
