58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 467643 - Text: Pimps use womens bodies by selling them for sex for their own financial gain. Theyre scum of the earth yet half the people in this comment section are kissing his ass

id: 467741 - Text:  @jamesgilbert91  let he who uses words like sin, exploit women and support the sex trade, but be forgiven for going to church. It was a generalist comment to avoid calling the pimp, a deplorable human being

id: 467814 - Text:  @kaylawilliams5135  110% Fact. Sex Trafficking and Flesh Trade have NEVER been Honorable careers.

id: 467889 - Text: @47:00 I'm so happy to hear this! She still gets excited to talk about him that's so adorable! That past trauma just fizzled away when she tested him & he passed with flying colors! I can't tell if she'd b willing to enter couples counseling outside of church just to gain a little bit more traction or even a sex counselor b/c theres trauma still there inside the skin.. and also I'm just full of it probably b/c I'm reading a certain chapter in a book called family roe but it would be bold/interesting to have "groups" within her church circle discuss her multiple a words, we'll call them dialation&extraction method& the need for them to be safe spaces & legal. She def has trauma here too b/c I could feel that at the beginning that's why she went so far off the deep end. A bunch of tough conversations to have. Or not. Either way, thanks so much for this

id: 467977 - Text: Sexual abuse at a young age can destroy a person forever sexually and in many other ways. I hope she’s found peace in her life doing something else. It’s astounding how common child abuse is and how profoundly damaging it is for those who have been on the suffering end of it.

id: 467989 - Text: Here movies were great and my wife and I enjoyed them. I don't see anything wrong with her past and I'm glad she did her thing and moved on with her life. Its just sex. We all have sex. The dad stuff bugged me and my wife went through this, and a few other girls I knew. They didn't care about the damage it caused, and it caused a lot. They were able to bury it for decades but then it appears in your thoughts and your conscious and dreams and its devastating. I actually believe those men will burn in hell. And if I have my way, when I'm dead I will be able to haunt those men doing this to girls.

id: 467991 - Text: 0 accountabity. Very sad history, lots of bad guys, but since you are over 18 you have to have accountability. She left the boyfriend to be on a strioclub ONE day whe she is willing to have sex with stranger for money.... Amazing..... Nowadays western women are broken........ So happy with my tradicional loving girlfriend..... Feel so happy with my partner everytime I see women like that. Said that, is very sad, I wish the best. That demonstrate that women are very bad decission takers

id: 468039 - Text: Trust man? We're all humans, today we want it, tomorrow we don't, nothing to do with god, just human nature for both genders. What if later she feels like she wants satisfaction from sex?

id: 468077 - Text: To the incels trolling in the comments: She’s a human being just like the rest of us and worthy of the same kind of love and respect most of us take for granted. Fact is anyone criticizing her likely never had or never will have a sexual experience with such a beautiful woman. You get to watch her as she’s shared her most intimate sexual experiences with you on film all while you fantasizing about her and then you have the audacity to criticize and judge her!? You should be ashamed of yourselfs! She’s a gentle soul, have some empathy.

id: 468082 - Text: The usual US habit of mixing religion into everything. As an atheist I find it very wearing. There has never been a god - any god - and no religion has ever been worth a nanosecond of human suffering or a single drop of human blood. Religion is simply reaction to the facts that we humans are mortal and afraid to die. So we invent gods and other worlds and a lot of other rubbish. Crissy comes across as pleasant but naive and far from the sharpest knife in the drawer. What she relies on is actually simply mind over matter. Doesn't matter whether u use saints or bottles of Coke (Cargo Cult). The result is psychologically sometimes benificial. Until and unless the person concerned becomes yet another religious bigot. All religions are toxic and none of them understands anything about human sexuality. Unfortunately they have lots of influence. Like the world's largest organisation for the dissemination and practice of paedophilia, also known as the Roman Catholic Church. I have excellent family and personal reasons for intensely disliking this paedophile organisation.I disbelieve all of 'em but if Crissy finds support in any religion good luck to her. PLEASE do not proselytise or dictate to others how to conduct their sex lives.
