31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 545459 - Text: Mark, you know, in the case of someone who has lived as hard a live as Asriah has, it is ALWAYS two steps forward and one (or even three) steps back. Always. You should know this, sir. I'm not sure you did right by her at all. Sending her thousands of dollars a day "to see where this goes"? C'mon. You need to turn that camera around and point it at yourself and have a sincere conversation. Pause in the middle to slowly give yourself a once-over from head to toe. If you want to help someone like Asriah, you have to be in it for the long haul. You have to set limits, but you can't just exit when the going gets tough and you're disappointed and have finished your video series. Sure, stop the money, but make it clear to her that you're still there to her as a human. It takes years to build up that trust that you imagined you had. Only after years, you will stand out to her, if she makes it that far. I hope she does. Asriah, you give off such "Tokio" vibes--that character on Money Heist. If you haven't seen it, it's on Netflix. Tokio carries many of the same burdens as you and deals with her challenges like you. Or at least that's my first impression. You may see differences, knowing yourself better. The hardest thing in life is forgiving yourself when you make a mistake and trying again. You need to do that though. As I just said to Mark, your path is a challenging one. Like him, I see in you the possibility of a different life. When you can, go for it. And then when you do make a mistake and take a step back, forgive yourself, and try again. Fly is not going to help. It's on you. Best to you.

id: 545483 - Text: Love what you do and the videos and the help you provide for these people but gang members and the things they do their attitude best to be done with that only one place for this type of person and I don'tean jail

id: 545498 - Text: I'm such a sucker. I watched the first video and felt bad for her and I'd probably try to help her if I could. But this guy comes in and giving her that much help and that much money to try to get on her feet, and she just throws it away. Not only that but she's basically just stealing from him. Her brain is damaged. Probably some people just need to be taken to jail and not let out. They don't deserve our sympathy. It's ALL just an act to survive.

id: 545520 - Text: Honestly it felt like for a lot of this video Mark was shaming the girl. Given her past (being a prostitute since 13, being addicted to meth and coke and having so obviously relapsed by looking at her skin) , did you really expect a 0 percent chance she would fall back into the habits she grew up with? Seems like you were emotionally invested, were publicly shaming her, and it's just straight up bizarre that you would show up to her apartment unannounced with a key. Seems like you have control issues and almost felt betrayed that she did what 99% of people in her position would do and go back to the pimp. I think you should see a therapist tbh

id: 545547 - Text:  @greentt835  u do understand he gave her like 20k he def didn’t make that off the two videos with no sponsors and he give 75-100% to help ppl he interviews he already talked about it in a video believe me he don’t get super rich off this but he keeps enough to keep This going and enjoy himself

id: 545561 - Text:  @greentt835  Mark made $37 from her videos, YT doesn't pay a lot for these types of videos, and most of his videos are demonetized by YT. He gave her over $20k. Welcome to the club of idiots that seem to have appeared on this channel lately, trying to attack a guy who spends his life and everything he has trying to help hundreds, if not thousands of people at this point. Take a look in the mirror.

id: 545563 - Text:  @bossabassa364  Thats not the help she needs though, anybody with half a brain would of seen this outcome a mile away, I almost think Mark did it this way on purpose to have more follow up videos, more drama etc.

id: 545586 - Text: Did you say shenanigans? You see that smirk on her face, she's trying not to laugh. You got skull f**ked dude from start to finish and you paid big time, you're her biggest and easiest score to date. The dude she's with is not her pimp, it's some fat ass lazy dude who was living off of you and her but now it looks like she's going to have to hit the streets again while he sits at home getting high and watching TV. To the chick in the video, you f**ked up big time, this was a one way golden ticket off the streets to a better life most of us have to work our ass off to get.

id: 545591 - Text: Very interesting series on Asriah. I have not seen many of your videos so I do not know your ideological worldview only the “purpose of my(your) channel” Which I agree is one of the most important things that seems to be on the back burner for many. The only part that threw me off was when you started the “You can blame..” portion in particular the very end of that part.. “You can blame rich people for not sharing their money”. I will watch more of your content before I draw any conclusions from those statements and I hope they were just suggestive of what someone in their situation(s) might “blame”. Good Job.

id: 545614 - Text: keep doing what you do been a fan for years. amazing video
