31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 545807 - Text: I'm super confused. I have watched some of these videos, and seems Mark is a really nice guy. Maybe too nice. Is there a personal relationship between Mark and this girl? Fuck, $2k in one day?! Bet she never made that working on her own. Anyway, being in the middle of hell, I think he's (Mark) way too nice and maybe a bit too gullible. He should be careful, he's not safe. JMO

id: 545815 - Text: MARK! THANK YOU for all you do for fellow human brothers and sisters. I want to say youre one of my roll models. I have recovered a few things back and although i am stained mentally. I can say i am more proud of myself. Your videos help remind me of what to do and not do. Love ya.

id: 545835 - Text: Lol Mark gets hussled by everyone he interviews!! šŸ˜† He should know this by now. Money doesn't help doing it will only give you another Updated video..of them needing more money. Detox. Best of luck to all!

id: 545836 - Text: I started watching your videos because I got so curious of the stories behind all those addiction and everything. One thing is for sure change is far no matter help you offer if the person is not willing to change

id: 545844 - Text: Fundamentally itā€™s all about addictions and the world of addicts: sex, violence, abuse, drugs, etc. Nothing that anyone does from the outside can help these people. Giving them money to quit this life is like giving heroin to an addict in order to get him to quit doing heroin. Psychologically it was a mistake from the start. But thatā€™s because the desire to ā€œsaveā€ her has nothing to do with rationality or morals. Itā€™s about sex, and sexuality (not the act of having sex! But the psychological elements). Most of our reactions were straight from a beginnerā€™s manual: ā€œsheā€™s smart cute, and good.. must save herā€. That itself deserves a whole book written about it. She could be a great personā€¦ but only if she was deeply transformed from within. Only she can do that. But she really doesnā€™t have to. She is quite successful in her development as an intelligent being. Again, another great awakening video. And I need to ad, Mark is a great guy, even if he got caught, like many of us in our lives, in a psychological trap. Iā€™m not even sure how many times Iā€™ve made this kind of mistake. Still paying the price for some of them. Psychology is not about good people and bad people. Itā€™s much more like the laws of physics.

id: 545850 - Text: Really sad to see that she doesn't think she deserves better for herself, because she does shes a smart and beautiful woman, who is still very young and could have a bright future. The stark change in her demenor from the last one to this video is quite sad too, she doesnt realize that most people can pretty much see through her actions and behaviours and get a good estimation of her mental state. She is just content living that horrible and difficult life, she thinks shes lost because she went back in, all shes got to do it wake up and accept the fact that she is worth more, she could pursue her dreams, she could attain a better quality of life; one that she has never seen before because shes unfortunately had no strong support system ever in her entire life. She knows nothing else I suppose, that isnt a valid excuse to not dream or want more for herself though.

id: 545870 - Text: I just watched all three of the videos about Asriah, and I'm truly sorry for her heartbreaking situation. But this last video really shows how just throwing money at the problem is not the answer. If you're giving someone hundreds of dollars a day and they still can't stay off the streets and out of gang life, then that's not a money problem, it's a social/cultural/psychological problem. I wish for the best for Asriah and her children, but I won't be donating to your campaign without seeing some evidence that my money isn't going straight into paying for drugs, since that would just be assisting the cycle of abuse and criminality to continue.

id: 545880 - Text: Ā @benjobanjo7475Ā  I am only pointing out that if you are helping someone you don't take control over them. Also, why would you hand someone who has KNOWN issues hundreds of dollars. He is 'pimping' her too, just in a different way. The stories are interesting but you are judging the girl who has been basically raised in this environment. It's an addiction of its own and cannot be solved so easily. Of course, this is an opinion. Feel free to have your own as well. I still think the way the videos are done is interesting.

id: 545891 - Text: In the last video, you said not all pimps are bad. You clearly are not fit to educate others on sexual exploration . This young woman has been exploited since childhood by men. Your YouTube channel is just the last place a man has used her for their benefit. I think you should leave the help to caseworkers who understand trauma and that throwing money at problems isn't the answer. You could've kept this to yourself yet had to make one more video.

id: 545921 - Text: I mean how much did you people expect. This girl is making her own choices. She fooled you all and this guy is making a lot of money off them too. *not the guy with the camera* the guy taking advantage but this will not change. I know that because I come from this life. Well I grew up poor with drug addicted parents and started using hard drugs at 14, lots of jail and everything nasty you can think of. I'm now a father of two, married 16 years, own my own business and well you can see my videos and glimpse my life now. I'm fly lol this pimp is not fly lol. He's weak. The outline is there and he's choices that life everyday. Broke pussy living off a little girl. I take care of my girls. I'm a bank for them and I love it.
