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id: 468769 - Text: So many of these interviews are centred around child abuse and the long term effects of it when not resolved. I've had to address these issues for myself in my own life and know how difficult it is to face early childhood experiences. It's the most difficult and rewarding experience because it reframes the context of life experiences and empowers the victim to set healthy boundaries. Doing the hard work turns the negative experience into a super power. It's life changing. Having said that, anyone who dedicates their life to activities that have consequences can't then complain about the consequence of their actions. This woman enjoyed the money and notoriety of her choices but now wants to distance herself from her lifestyle choices after cashing in on it. Everything comes at a cost and she's now paying the price. Lastly, pretty women are oblivious to their unearned looks. There will always be a man willing to rescue them to gain sexual access and an opportunity to enjoy their good looks. Conveniently, GOD never spoke to her while she was engaging in every animalistic act for the world to see but HE was there to pick up the shards of her career as a corn performer. No judgement, but the lack of self-awareness is comical.

id: 468772 - Text: “You definitely have to have sex with them or they’re not going to move you in” signed by a female predator

id: 468782 - Text: It was hard to sit throug all this. Holy crap 3 million views on this woman story. Way to go for the persin interviewing letting her just talk and the few questions he had where directly what i was thinking. But in the end i cant applaud this woman or feel sorry for her. She had many many many chances. She chose a path of drugs and sex and holds zero accountability. She had zerp respect for herself or expected men to behave better than she was. She was mad at her boyfriend for going to a strip club but she had sex with men on camera. Plus every times it gets to a point where she feels bad she follows it up with a story about predatory behavior. But i do believe in god and her husband was able to find her cause she wanted to be found. She was the problem. At some point in your life you have to stopped putting yourself in situations. Thank god shes alive. In the late 70s and early 80s she wouldnt be sitting here talking.

id: 468843 - Text: Call me a cynical old dog if you like! Whilst possibly not a classically trained actress she would have picked up many of the skills which enabled her to play emotional & physical porn scenes convincingly. Portraying a vulnerable, old experienced porn performer who has regrets would not be a particularly hard gig. Have a look at some of the worlds most esteemed actresses being interviewed and asked how they feel about jumping into erotic sexual scenes with actors who they have met for the first time about 30 minutes beforehand. They all say exactly the same thing - IT'S THE JOB! For me a platonic relationship only - if she would have me. Brings me out in a cold sweat thinking how I would feel knowing that she could be comparing my performance to the huge backlog of sexual athletes she has known!

id: 468844 - Text: ​ @scalpay44 You are an old creep, that's what you are. Even Hollywood actors have spoke out about enduring child abuse, just like Chrissy here did, their proffesion does not cancel out the life they had berore it. It's disgusting how this video addresses the sexual abuse of chidren, yet all you could think of to comment was the tought of measuring your dick to those of 'atheletes'.

id: 468854 - Text: great testimony there is hope for pornstars. and. porn addicts. Sex is a very powerful. drug. God can help us overcome even if it seems hopeless. thank you Crissy and. also (Mark). Soft White Underbelly for the interview

id: 468876 - Text: I agree with many of the comments regarding child sex abuse. It’s more common than people realize and it’s not a poor vs rich problem.

id: 468897 - Text: Lust (on behalf of her multiple molesters and her boyfriend who used her for sex which resulted in her having an abortion) really seems like it did tremendous damage to her. I think going to church was the least of her problems.

id: 468902 - Text: The vulnerability and innocence portrayed in this interview is phenomenal. At various points she seems childlike. Listening to her verbiage using words like "weird" and "gross" really brings me to the thought that psychologically she remains in a childlike state- perhaps from the time that her trauma began. The codependency and fear of abandonment she exudes is deafening. She seems to have been conditioned and seems to have began using "sex" and love" as a coping mechanism as it resulted in attention. She appears naïve with a misguided moral sense. Likely a result of her father and his preaching behaviors. Such a complex soul.

id: 468906 - Text: What a weird life. I feel like she never found true love because she was just used for sex and to her, it's called being in a relationship.
