31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 546111 - Text: I think what we have learned is, that maybe even the first video, was anti-help....

id: 546136 - Text: I can hear the frustration in your voice, man. And it's sucks to see that this story took a turn for the worse again. Sadly I dont think there's anything that can change a person to completely come out of that life. With a gang breathing down your neck, they know how and where to get an easy score, this woman becomes the victim yet again but also dragged into the deep end of everything. I was smiling and it felt so good to see her smile and talk about her kids in the previous video.. Shame she cant just get up and leave California all together. Best of luck to her.

id: 546153 - Text: Rockland its female privilege.. notice none of this is her fault. I dare anyone to find a video with this same scenario and a male.. Dude literally gave her a new life, relocated her, offered her a new phone, gave her a RIDICULOUS daily allowance and SHE still chose to surround herself with the same losers as before. I get people want to help others but as the old saying goes you can take a horse to the river but you can’t force it to drink.

id: 546154 - Text:  @anthonyfletcher8053  Yeah she really doesn't seem like she cares. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to get sympathy from him starting from the first video to start getting money from him. Since she didn't even try to leave LA. With the amount of money she was getting she could've been traveling the world, or settling down anywhere and starting a new life. I know it's very hard to change in her situation but he gave her the chance most people never get.

id: 546164 - Text: My heart dropped watching this video... I was rooting for her and hoping she was doing well and getting out of the game , it's sad to see that this has happened , she is a wonderful human being that was just handed the wrong life . It's sad that you can see how sorry she is and wants to addmit to the wrong she did but just can't , I wanna be so angry at her but yet I can't , I truly hope the best for her and her children may they have a great life and may asriah never have to go back to this life if she ever gets out

id: 546180 - Text:  @joezic  I’m curious. Do you pass judgement on random people putting themselves out there because you’re thinking you’re making a difference? Like someone will read your comment and snap out of their lifestyle that you don’t approve of? Or do you do it because it makes you feel better about yourself? To distance yourself from them and otherize them? Because I’m telling you now. You aren’t worth any more than the person in this video. That may hurt to hear, but we all need to hear it.

id: 546204 - Text: Bro... Why would you put it out there how much help you've been giving her... Like the whole first part of this video is you saying look at me. However I understand... Also I like how when the manager told you a black man had been coming around and you just assumed he was a pimp. Which, whatever.. but still this isn't an interview. This should have been a conversation between you and her off camera. Just weird, and in poor taste.

id: 546214 - Text: I think this might’ve worked if she was given a strict rehabilitation program where housing & financial support is ONLY provided if she does drug testing, mandatory counseling, daily check-ins with a sponsor, attends a parenting class, provides proof of what she is spending money on ( food, clothes, gas, child support etc) . She can’t teach herself how to lead a normal healthy life and be a responsible parent after being on the streets since 13. She needs training. In ALL of her videos I can tell she’s lying. This man gave her a GOLDEN TICKET of a lifetime. She could have become a millionaire if she got clean, wrote that book , turned her life around and used her story to motivate other women show them they can get off the streets.

id: 546267 - Text: notice, she didnt apoloigise for giving all that money, even when asked if she had anything to say, and after calling him a friend in a previous video. heartbreaking.

id: 546270 - Text: I appreciate the intentions of this man, but it almost feels very "savior complex." He is often saying "I have done this for you" throughout the second video (and I am not at all condemning him for the actions), but it doesn't feel or sound as genuine as he is trying to make it sound. I am not sure how else to describe this. I am heartbroken to see this is how her story has played out so far. I hope one day someone can really reach her and show her the path to her own redemption. I feel like she wants to leave, but is obviously scared of the unknown. She said she has trust issues, as would anyone else, but I truly hope one day she gets to the point where she can be free. ❤ P.S. I am also surprised she sat down for this one, considering she looks like she doesn't want to be there.
