58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 468920 - Text: Yeah its actually some sort of psychiatric disorder, I studied it in medschool. Basically she is hypersexual and plays victim to get attention all the time

id: 468955 - Text: disagree 100%- this is a very uneducated view. Everyone has a different story. Everyone has a different background. I find the sex industry to be empowering because men who always took advantage for free now have to pay to view. There should be some interviews on here that aren't such drastic idiosyncratic women.

id: 468957 - Text:  @timothyjburton  1. working in the sex industry is an equal transaction. men pay money for a service that women provide. That is empowering- because 2. most of the time men are perpetrators of rape, or forceful situations. What I've gleaned from these interviews is that women who are happiest are the ones working for themselves in the sex industry. It's only dumb logic to you because you are apparently one of those dumb men?

id: 468967 - Text: ​ @timothyjburton Neither is OK, nor acceptable. Power imbalance, users abusers can be any sex. Beliefs. Misinformed. I hate denigration of men as well as women, by either sex. .

id: 469013 - Text: It's kind of hypocritical she did porn . and was angry on him bcoz of strip club. Poor guy I hope he at least get better sex for taking damaged product. I went through abusive childhood , but never stepped out if line.

id: 469031 - Text: here we are 3 years later. anyone know if she is still a Bible freak? I followed her porn Career. thought she was so sexy. does she still have the implants? she went through hell and turned out psychotic. shame all the drugs made it so she can barely string a sentence together. good luck girl.

id: 469053 - Text: Ted Bundy said it before dying; -"Stay away from porn". He beleived profoundly that it destroyed the image he had of woman et became more violent with pornography. I beleive that, I used to watch porn when I was young, put it aside for a couple of years. My fav. was Audrey Hollander. Young she was so beautiful and she has a sensuous and sexy energy. Saw her about a year ago in the last porn movie I saw; She was litteraly not the same person. All of her youthfulness ; Gone! Sensuality; Gone! Sexy; Gone! And her eye's and face looked like she was mean and unealthy. Finaly, she was treated as a garbage bag . Poor her . She sold what was the most beatiful about her to; easy sex and big bucks. 🙏🙏🙏

id: 469058 - Text: She had love and safety from her father, who tried desperately to protect her from sex predators. But her evil mother sided with the bad guys and brainwashed her to do the same. Typical.

id: 469066 - Text: I believe she is an actress and in a persona to continue the ruse...she knew exactly what she was getting into, she knew exactly what the outcomes could be. She liked the $$ and the attention and the meat... Professing to "go to god" or "become a christian" helps facilitate her new persona..."...I send sexy pics to my husband..." isn't that exactly what she wanted to get away from...she may be done making porn vids but I'll bet she likes to drive her male neighbors crazy...

id: 469079 - Text: Trauma happens to all these people. And this happens to a lot of children, and a lot of girls. Some of them end up on the streets, some of them end up addicted to something, living hard lives and some of them end up in prostitution and the porn industry. We can do so much for these people, one of the easiest things to do is to STOP SUPPORTING THE SEX INDUSTRY COMPLETELY! Read studies on what it does to people and young kids, and read studies on the women that go into it. It is abuse, and it objectifies women. PLEASE! MAKE A CHANGE
