31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 546274 - Text: Sweetheart, the guy pays your way. Not you his. You were happy, positive and bright in last video where you were talking about your kids. Get some make up. Cover the facial tattoo. That's how they find you. Start again someplace else. Men are controlling this gang behaviour and they do not deserve you. Your boys do. God Bless. Never tell anyone in the hood you have cash. To them you are always broke.

id: 546280 - Text: This beautiful young lady broke my heart every time I watched her videos. I can see she wants to change and leave the only life she’s known, I’m sure she dreams of it everyday, but she has been through A LOT in her young life and it is going to take significant life changes along with therapy and other help in order for her to have the confidence to leave it all behind. It’s so heartbreaking to see a young woman so desperate for change but so afraid to do it due to the fact that their pimps break them down & constantly condition them so they think they can’t survive on their own. I wish I could hug her, it’s so painful to watch this poor woman fight back tears, wanting nothing more than to change & leave the painful life she’s always known, but the crippling fear of the unknown before her along with the fear of her past haunting her, keeps her bound in chains. #prayingforher

id: 546283 - Text: I have felt this guy interviewing is a bit creepy all along. This solidifies it. Giving this gal a thousand dollars a day......driving by her house. Getting a key and going to her apartment. All scream stalker to me. I won't continue to watch the videos.

id: 546338 - Text: This video guy is getting played by both of them.

id: 546340 - Text: I was sympathetic after watching the first video. I don’t feel that way now. This video guy got punk’d

id: 546375 - Text: ​ @joeycopenhaver  lol, no thats not what he expected. He actually gave her multiple attempts to change over almost a year, this is a long term ongoing thing with her, watch her previous videos. This was not an 'overnight' expectation, perhaps you should read up on the case before talking a load of bullshit. My point is, people calling the one person that HAS tried to help her 'unfair' like yourself.... Yeah, giving her $20,000 and a promise of all the support she needs, a house, a car, an ear to listen to on call 24/7, offer of psychological support all paid for, all the money she asked for over the space of the time he was helping, $400 a day for her to help feed her kids, is just so 'unfair' isn't it? What a joke. What do you expect Mark to do, just keep giving her the cash she is asking for on an almost daily basis, which then goes straight to her pimp, who then uses it to control her even further?. You mistake what you perceive as a 'lack of empathy' as people just stating the honest truth about the whole situation. What you fail to realise is, many of the people who you are calling out for having a 'lack of empathy', like myself, are the very ones who donate to Mark so that he can at least try and help these people. I wonder what YOU have done to help? Have you donated? Somehow i doubt it. Unfortunately there is only so much one person can do, and it's not all just about money, she needs psychological support as well, which she was given and rejected, so she is now at the point that the only person that can help her - is herself, she will very unlikely be given this chance ever again, and it's a shame. She is now up on a murder charge so will likely now spend the rest of her time in jail if convicted. At least Mark tried, he offered her all he personally had to offer, which is more than can be said about most people and certainly not 'unfair' like you claim.

id: 546403 - Text: The understanding in the video is incredible. What humanity is all about.

id: 546412 - Text: I feel like the cops should view these videos, she is clearly acting like a kidnapping victim who is sitting beside her captor/abuser.

id: 546414 - Text: I can't honestly make up my mind if she was just fooling him. The emotions feel real in the first two videos but sociopaths can easily manufacture feelings, which feel real if they've grown up in a specific kind of world, as she has. I don't think she can be helped, hell maybe she doesn't want to be helped and just saw this as an opportunity and took it. Be her involvement in this "scam" intentional or not, some people just can't be helped. She feels so smug when asked about her side of the story. Also remember, she said she was working solo and did NOT have a pimp. I don't care where you've grown up, if you straight up lie through your teeth, you're just a lost cause without forced help. You might or might not agree with my opinion but I think we can all agree that Mark is a kind person. Sure he gets money from these videos but he also gives out that money to help people.

id: 546420 - Text: Mark, you're a kind soul but unfortunately most people in this world are cockroaches. You let them in, and they'll create an infestation and poison you over time. I learned this the hard way too. In the last video, when Asriah said you were her friend, it was all a scam. I knew from the first video that there's simply no way to help these people without years of therapy, accountability, and hand holding. No one has the time for that in our country. Good luck to you man.
