31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 546421 - Text: First of all this guy Mark is no saint or savior he is no different than the pimps or John's in this young ladies life, every single one of them is using, exploiting, or violating her in some way or form. This guy Mark is trying to come off as helping, caring, etc..but if you watch the first video she tells him a story about her being in love once and not being able to handle being truly lived and cared for after suffering so many years of trauma, she was honest..He swoops in with his cape and says I want to help, but in exchange he wants to control her where is she is who she is with. He is angry and jealous that she is with a "black" and how she cares for the black guy more than him and in a second we are right back to selfish, controlling, petty, childish men behavior. He's like I tried to help you but you're with this other guy!!! Men stay out of these girls lives if you can't offer unconditional help and support without all the extra b.s.!

id: 546492 - Text: To watch how full of life she was in the second video to now is heartbreaking.

id: 546497 - Text: Mark you tried to do good. But in this case I guess she is having some sorta Stockholm Syndrome and for her it's fine. She doesn't event know what's right anymore. Marks voice is trembling thru this video shows how upset he is. Just hope she comes out.......

id: 546504 - Text: I don’t get Mark’s deal. Give people a % of money earned from the video they were in and keep it moving. Why does he want to get involved in this gang lifestyle. Females get men set up to be robbed and killed all the time. Stay out of their shit.

id: 546570 - Text: I have to disagree with so many comments I see on this video, especially some replies. People saying she’s worthless, useless and not worth saving. I feel like the entire point of this channel has gone over these peoples heads. She might not be trustworthy at this point, and it would be stupid to ignore how she siphoned money off to a gang. But condemning her value intrinsically is part of what leads to this kind of relapse of behaviour. It’s the self hatred, feelings of deserving to be used. I’m not saying what she did was right, or excusable, or that she should keep being given money. But if we as a society permanently shut out a person like this without opportunity for redemption how can we then be surprised if she never breaks free of her situation. You can plainly see the guilt causing her to wall off communication. As hurt as Mark is, he still wishes her the best, as well as her pimp. It takes balls to have empathy and i see a lot of people here lacking them.

id: 546578 - Text: What the hell is the point of this video? I’m a idiot. I fell for the trick? Watch us all talk about it.

id: 546587 - Text: Oh Mark...... This update was so sad.... But it didn't surprise me at all. In the second video, I guess it was my "Mama's intuition" picking up on the fact that the "transition" was not going well. I felt that she was feeling overwhelmed with living differently and being a real parent to her children...... I could read it on her face, in her voice and energy. She was lonely and lacking in a healthy support system. She seems to lack healthy friendships and role models (aside from you, Mark) Women need other women. She is basically still a child in a young woman's body, who has never learned to function in real society. She has never had the care, nurturing, teaching, etc that children need to develop into healthy, responsible and positively contributing members of the community. I commend your efforts to help her. Your precious heart is in the right place. This young gal needed a multifaceted "rescue plan". I think that most in her situation would. I'm hoping you keep yourself safe 💛🕊️

id: 546588 - Text: You can't really expect someone to change their entire life around just by moving them to another neighborhood and endless pocket money. I think she was crying out for emotional support in her last video and probably needed extensive therapy. I'm not blaming anyone, she was given so much help and I have full respect for Mark. Such a shame but I hope people don't give up on her

id: 546594 - Text: So...unpopular opinion maybe, but does anyone else see this channel as exploitative? I was really bothered by this video, especially since I didn't hear (correct me if I'm wrong here) Mark say that he took steps to ensure Asriah was held accountable for/to every dollar he gave her...which is just crazy to me. People are donating money to your channel and you just started throwing it to a young lady (no offense, but : who is a prostitute and has given you NO real reason for you to suddenly trust her with thousands of dollars...😐) and never (?) once asked for a receipt or a picture or anything to confirm that the reasons even you were conjecturing, at times, you were giving her money were absolutely legitimate/REAL. How does that make sense? Even most parents wouldn't do that with their own children... Watching this video, I'm more disappointed that you didn't really help this girl in any way by doing all of've set her back by never holding her to a human standard of adulthood accountability. By not putting her in a secure women's shelter where she probably WOULD be held to the aforesaid. By not involving people who could GET her to people/organizations that can actually help her...🤯 Yet I know in a world like ours, your channel could win awards for this... "journalism"...and most people would support you and basically only comment-support (it appears) the people you're posting about... I'd rather see interviews from frontline workers, counselors (any mental health professional really), shelter advocates, COPS, parents who've missing children, etc....and rich ppl in areas where Asriahs & Amandas (may she RIP) are who actively ignore this reality so that Americans can talk about how to FIX THAT toxic mindset rather than you talk to ppl you...can't/aren't really HELPING ( that your objective here? To help people? Or just talk to them?). Again, though, this is most likely an unpopular opinion. Please reply with discussive comments. I'm not trying to throw this guy under the bus completely. I'm trying to figure the real point of this out... Edit: it looks like he's maybe helped some other people? But why did he go this route with asriah??

id: 546618 - Text: I really hope she can still escape this life. She was so obviously smart and well spoken in the first video. You can see the look of shame on her face when she is listening in the beginning. You were right to withdraw funds if it's going directly over her to a gang pimp, and she also understands why it had to be that way.
