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id: 469468 - Text: 10 DEPRAVED Things that PORN and its workers have taught me: 1. The best way to stop your PORN addiction is to PAY up for your PORN. When is the last time you stole from a grocery store? 2. A realization that I arrived on earth through a most punishable and deviant act that some mislabel as LOVE. 3. A delightful and playful way (without the use of drugs) to achieve the best sleep of my life. 4. An inspiration to take a deeper dive into my own sex and relationship RE-EDUCATION since no one in my church, family or extended family decided to share with me. 5. That PORN does NOT kill LOVE. Duh, GOD kills love. 6. Inspiration to become an UPSTANDER for sexualities beyond what God told you were appropriate. Contrary to popular opinion, GOOD MEN have been beating off to NON HETERO porn (either in their head or on the screen) yet they may just have to stone a bitch, kill a tranny or crucify fags in front of friends. 7. That I prefer watching NAKED people being filmed simulating making babies eons more than watching thousands of actors getting artificially killed in Disney's Epic Star Wars industry. 8. That I prefer watching the ARTIFICIAL lovemaking of people who would never, ever have an ABORTION (gay sex) over watching MMA or spending hours obsessing about men in skin tight clothing chasing a ball and pointing to the sky after they score. 9. That 2,000 years of Christian (religious) sexual SHAME programs (Abstinence only, Purity Rings and Conversion Therapy) and tearing off foreskins could not even come close to crushing wild, consensual, connective, celebratory human erotic energy (and has most likely made PORN the multi-billion business it is today). 10. The porn that we created in our brains has existed long before PORN and will exist long after (and its way more dirty and harmless than you ever thought).

id: 469475 - Text: The porn industry exploits and abuses damaged people. It feeds sex trafficking industry and normalizes sex with children. It is an industry that should be dismantled and heavily criminalized.

id: 469476 - Text: Yeah man, trauma should be left to the ugly ones am I right? A story of a life time of sexual abuse and you are sad beucase she's hot? What

id: 469490 - Text: All these abuse, sex, and substance black hole lifestyles all seem to source from failed parenting. We live in a broken world. Keep your heart on god. You are forgiven. Stay strong!

id: 469503 - Text: Any woman that goes into the porn industry is implicitly low dignity. They lose all credibility, because whether they are coaxed into doing it or not is irrelevant. I lost around 72 lbs. in a year before doing KETO, I experienced insane mental pain being away from food, but I tirelessly kept doing it until I lost a lot of body weight. There is a fine line between being weak and being strong. I know as a man, even though I masturbate to women doing porn, I never degrade or have any misogyny towards women, in an industry cultivated by sociopathic/psychopathic and/or misogynistic men. It's a terrible cycle where you feel the innate need to look at a female, touch yourself and not think that you just looked at a woman that's humiliating herself. It's an addiction to look at porn, because we have the sexual drive to procreate.

id: 469520 - Text: I did too felt that way. What I think must be clear to this point is that giving sex to your boyfriend will not make him to commit to you. In all cases sex was involved. Sex is not love. It is like giving out cake. It tastes good but it will ruin your health and rotten your teeth. Many men this days just want a real life sex toy to play with. They are real psychopaths. Society do not push men into pursuing there studies as women have been replacing their place for decades. There is too much competition and we do not help when we want to pursue a career and employment made for men. I am not American but I think it is all more difficult in your country, but not so different where I live. Men who behave so have no opportunity in the world of men. They do not want to have children but also they do not believe in a celibate marriage. Indeed they should stay home with their parents. Men living alone and girls on their own are a danger.

id: 469521 - Text: Probably because you're a sexist moron.

id: 469523 - Text: Chrissy, you should be touring the USA delivering talks about your perspective on the connection between the Porn Industry and Childhood Sexual Abuse and how your ability to dissociate heled you to work in this industry. You express yourself so well and explain your Life Journey so well!

id: 469524 - Text: This woman made some very bad choices, delusional, neive, she was insecure. She never really hold a job and understood work ethics. She was a good sex worker. Her poor decisions lead her to a destructive path. Glad that she is out.

id: 469616 - Text: This is not every Porn stars experience. She is a particularly biased source with anti-porn agenda (Born-again Christian). Just the act of sex outside of Marriage is offensive to her now. Their are plenty of other Porn stars who did not come from broken homes or were raped on set. Take what she says with a grain of salt.
