58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 469788 - Text: So, pretty ,stupid, abused, made money with looks and sex, hated it. Then gets out, with some luck, and says there was some vague invisible friend she belives in. Not herself. Not the husband. Rofl, hooans are dub as fkk.

id: 469806 - Text: Sadly I have met people who have experienced sexual abuse and it is always so depressing!!

id: 469841 - Text: I'm 49 and I might be pregnant. I would be so watchful over my baby. EDIT: I'm not pregnant. However, I still stand by what I said. Especially having been a victim of childhood sexual abuse it would be hard for me to trust the majority of people.

id: 469843 - Text: It’s crazy how common it seems that there are sexual predators around. You can’t trust anyone these days. I’m a soon to be father next month ( first one) will be a girl( can’t wait). My wife and I both are on the same page about watching her like a hawk.

id: 469845 - Text: You even have to watch the kids too! We dont know what kids go through behind closed doors at home. Sometimes friends do that to friends while visiting eachother. Kids will do sexual things with other kids if they are being abused at home bc its normal to them. You cant trust no one! I wish I knew what I know now back in my early 20s when my son was small.

id: 469848 - Text: Sexual abuse stunts emotional maturity to sometime when it began !

id: 469850 - Text: every sex worker was abused as a child

id: 469854 - Text: She wasnt forced in anything! she dit everything with her own will and now she is speaking about rape. No my friends. Get out of this moral hypocrisy. Everybody who shoots porn today know exactly what he is doing and why unless he is an idiot. The fact that someone changes his mind later doesnt mean that he was raped. Rape means forced sex.

id: 469860 - Text: Let’s just say the truth here: most men are sex perverts with one thing on their mind. They care nothing for the woman but only their sexual gratification. It’s very disheartening.

id: 469871 - Text: She also left out all the dates she was online for... is she using a euphemism for sex work but doesn't want to say it? She also uses the word "shoots" for both photography and video pornography, she doesn't speak about when she skipped over from lingerie photos to actual porn. I don't think she can face saying those words. I hope she gets some therapy; I don't think church alone is going to help her heal from PTSD or trauma.
