31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 547282 - Text: ***PLZ READ!!!! Be care mark these people need professional help 1st. Assessment and diagnosis then a treatment plan all you can do is point them in the direction of the nearest facility to do that. Maybe if one doesn’t have insurance your funds and those who donate can assist possibly ones stay at a treatment facility or halfway house if there are no government funds available. Pay them for the video is one thing. To help spread Awareness. However YOU CANNOT SAVE ANYONE OF THESE INDIVIDUALS WITH $$ AND TALKING. Your a target 🎯 as well. So you may be better working with others who run shelters, rehabs,mental health facilities. Ty and best of luck to all

id: 547292 - Text: She doesn't care about her kids or Mark. I GUARANTEE she asked for money either before or after this fucking video.

id: 547318 - Text: The world needs more people like Mark. Don’t give up man these videos do so much! Love you all

id: 547329 - Text: I'm not an expert by any means, but this video seemed weird...and honestly? Potentially dangerous for Exotic. I mean. I can't see how putting her on blast is going to help her in any way whatsoever. Not to say I have a firm grip on any of this, and I know you were trying to help, and I know I don't even have the whole story but handing her a change of address and a fist full of $ seems very "give a man a fish" vs "teach a man to fish". Left alone with her kids (which is likely something she maybe has never done or it's been a while) and in a different unfamiliar setting, possibly lonely and sober, had to be really difficult and lets face it, the hell you know often seems a lot less scary than the one you don't. I would imagine person's like her need a LOT of support and intense reconditioning therapy to even begin to try and embrace a life so foreign.

id: 547359 - Text: You’re just hoping she’s all those things cause that’s the inspiration porn bullshit ending people want to see. when in reality shes most likely she’s just a ruthless gangster/con artist cause she saw mark was an idiotic easy target. Literally what has she shown that shows she’s bright? Just cause she answered some questions in a video? Hell there’s nothing that even shows she’s a good mom who cares about her kids. For all you know she could physically beats them up/neglects the hell out of them.

id: 547388 - Text: Very good analysis, it was so sad for me to know the conclusion of her story, and when i wachted this video i did note that her changed just to look into he eyes

id: 547395 - Text: so basiclly she used him, like she said she used to do with nice man in her first video....

id: 547411 - Text: You had to know she was not going to change when she said in the first video she takes advantage of guys who are good to her. She's a hustler and that's how she's wired.

id: 547418 - Text: Wow, she looks so much different than the first video. I was hoping she would make it, it's so sad. Giving here 1000's at a time was a huge mistake.

id: 547425 - Text: I want to make a video with you. Really. I am addicted since I am 15 & I just turned 60 last month. Tell me if it is possible.
