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id: 469953 - Text: From the moment she started talking she seemed to exude peace, gentleness, and kindness. Her testimony is amazing and God bless her for sharing because people are very judgemental of sex workers but they are people too. I think her story may save someone else and I pray the Lord continues to prosper and use her for His glory🙏🏾

id: 469965 - Text: I hate those sex workers,who act like celebrities, without being remorseful ..

id: 469976 - Text: I didn’t make it all the way through because it’s a really long video, but I didn’t once hear her say she just loves to have sex. She always mentions other motivations, like finding a guy to marry, having a baby, making money, etc. I think this is typical of many women and to me, it’s pretty clear that she is not someone who should have ever gone into porn. I say typical of most women because I have yet to meet a true nymphomaniac, even though I’d like to find out what that would be like. I’m not one who condemns the porn industry because there’s clearly a demand for it, but only women who truly love to have sex (like most men do) should consider going into porn. Obviously, the abuse before the age of consent is horrible and has a devastating impact on so many women, so guys must learn to control those impulses, but if I could find one old enough and eager to consent I might end up being a happy guy. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t view a strong sex drive and a willingness to act on it in a woman as a bad thing, instead it’s something I’d like to experience.

id: 470010 - Text: Sexualy abused

id: 470042 - Text: This society is so suffering from Pornography!! Pornography should be illegal!!!! It is the wrong path to take!!!! Focus on Self Survival, not Porn and sex!!!!!

id: 470053 - Text: Often growing up as a beautiful girl is a huge burdon. My X wife had to experience massive issues from the age of 8. I dated an attractive lady that experienced the same problem. I can see from first hand experience that raped and sexually abused woman are often ruined for life. The real sad thing is that these girls/woman are someons daughter/mother/sister. I would get so angry when men from all ages would undress my own beautiful daughter with their eyes.

id: 470077 - Text: Men respect virgins is mind blowing why woman can't see this? Maybe because women like man with many women's but we are opposite gender. I'm a man and fell in same trap, just opposite, I dint have sex because I like one girl a long time a years, and I was thinking she like me because this it was just opposite, I was confused because of woke society, they lie all the time. Nothing will change that we are opposite, man can never be a women, even if you are highly educated you can believe this because of years of indoctrination but reality will catch you eventually. This women here playing a man, have sex with all those men and she expect respect from man, I could understand why she did this but to get respect from men to this but will never happen. She could always get some loser when she give her youth to all around wild gays, but I fell for this man, he could have better.

id: 470162 - Text: The girl is quite innocent . these porn industries (sex offenders industry are looking for girls like her.

id: 470172 - Text: The old saying....hurt people hurt people.....just rings true. Seems like the one hurt tends to hurt themselves more sometimes. I was molested by a young girl that babysat me when i was 3yrs old. Here to say that that totally screwed me up. Acting out sexually way too young,addicted to porn. Lot of anger issues and a self worth that was in the toilet. Never knowing it was from what had happened at 3. Being a dude that learned men dont cry,emotions are bullsh!t,......except for anger and laughing.... Guess that this life is what it is.....but im tryin to be better.....

id: 470183 - Text: Sexual abuse in childhood causes a damage for life … it’s possible to heal with good therapy , such a lovely woman that had a rough childhood..
