31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 547499 - Text: I really liked her in the first video. It’s a shame that she slid back into her old ways

id: 547508 - Text: I haven’t watched Mark’s videos for a while but just stumbled on this incredible story. I’m so touched with what Mark is doing, living a challenging but full of purpose life. God bless you Mark, please don’t give up. I was kicked out of high school, was addicted to heroin and coke, I was at C95 and C72 Rikers Island and other jails around NY for 2.5 years. Watching the story I can relate to the fact that it’s almost impossible to break the cycle of the drug addiction and life style. But there is always a hope. I’m one of those lucky ones. While in jail 20 years ago I received new life in Jesus and have never turned back. I’m free of drugs for 20 long years, finished two higher degrees in college and was privileged to impact other people lives for better. If you tried everything and it did not work, please remember there is always a hope and try Jesus, He set me free and can do it for you. God bless Mark and hope this girl will find a way out 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

id: 547511 - Text: This channel is very interesting. Ive watched videos about this girl. People these days blame the shit out of everything and everyone to justify the situation of the downtrottin. To exclude them from responsibility. And it is a fair point at first glance. But this girl is a prime example that no outside factor is to blame for her situation. Only herself. Well played Mark and hats of to you for believing in her and helping her out. The problem with these kind of people who get stuck in the gutter and stay in the gutter is that don't really want to get out of the gutter. This girl doesn't care for her kids. If she cared she would leave the life, especially now when Mark was paying for everything. She is human garbage. Gullable, unintelligent and irresponsible. Not everyone deserves help.

id: 547527 - Text: It's heartbreaking. In her first video, she was in pain, honest, keen to talk and express. This video is a shocker. She looks indifferent, emotionless, doesn't even face the camera, talks soo little. As though she has resigned and lost all hope. Can't imagine what she might be going through. God bless her.

id: 547541 - Text: cant watch all of this but in previous video they talked about the tattoos , so we can see she has been branded and whenever she tries to get out other people see these tattoos she sees the reaction and knows she wont fit in in another world , of course this is why these gangs an pimps do this .

id: 547545 - Text:  @VegasElement  dude she has kids and family.. the whole gang knows everything about her.. they will always want a piece of her. The Pimps from the gang probably fight over her.. she will need lots of help not just this video dude. Even he is scared and wants out.

id: 547546 - Text:  @VegasElement  I agree, she tried to play tough, gangster, she played dood and they both know it, she was never going to change, it was about getting payed and being played, why they came harder and harder each time, how its done, this guys needs to get with one of these girls and pay them to break it down to him, the games how they work, when you look around the room and cannot spot the sucker? then its you.. he isn't the first guy, they 'll take tricks and threaten, kidnap em, blackmail, promise this and that, the last thing she wants to do to is suck some stranger off, if there are other ways to work a guy for money you can BET they will do it, they're constantly playing tricks you name it, get em into their room "its paid for so you don't have to pay for one" ... she was never going to leave anything, she was just playing dood, now that the jig is up and he has said the ATM dried up her attitude has changed 180 degrees, now it's "im tough and don't know you" trying to intimidate dood so he just goes away and forgets about it all, why dood was around the corner in case something went bad and he got pissed she played him for money, she had back up.. she always had back up, every step of the way... doods not the first won't be the last.. bottom line is you cannot help ANY of these people where drugs and sex is involved, PERIOD! all the help they need is a heartbeat away, they know where it is if they want it.. but if there's a sucker doing videos why not play him? ANYONE giving them anything is a SUCKER, they know it, I know it, now dood know's it, why he's getting the cold shoulder, ATM dried up time to move along, no reason to know you anymore ..... don't ever waste your money people, all kinds of help for these people, it's all there, they like getting high and playing the game too much to walk away tho, I mean what's walking away from the game have to offer? a job? a schedule? drug testing? responsability? respect? caring? having things? education? why would they want any of that much less have any idea what to do with it? not what floats their boat dood, seriously... way better interviews elsewhere safer and they aren't in it to play you, subs can see what their all about right here.. "yea that money went to me" lol, where did you think it was going? frankly the ONLY way you can help those children is to get CPS involved, that's the ONLY chance they have, otherwise as far as the gang is concerned? future soldiers, you know those who take all the risk, assume all the responsibility, do the time, pay the dues, give their lives, perform all the dirty work and get very little in return? while those who end up with all the money really aren't even breaking any laws, not like that, they have little responsibility in the game yet reap all the rewards, so who is really being played in this game? those kids are simply future soldiers, so the game can be played in the future...

id: 547628 - Text: The first video I felt bad this video I don’t girl u had a way out and u chose that shit over ur kids this dude don’t sound nor look like no crip tho lol

id: 547638 - Text: Wow! Saw the previous video and really thought she had potential to do good things if given the kind of help Mark has given her.. Didn't see it playing out like this..she effin blew it... what a dumbass!

id: 547641 - Text: Well from the other 2 videos she’s obviously showing her true colours. She needs to put her kids before any crip gang member. Some people just can’t be helpted
