58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 470188 - Text: In some parts just almost sounds like a little girl who can't catch your breath to spit something out. That tells me that when she was molested she stopped maturing emotionally so she is operating or was operating at the level of a little girl. But I never understand is if it's so traumatic and sex is so bad you then choose it as a career? So you do the thing that makes you feel the worst? Instead of dealing with it?

id: 470197 - Text: A female having sex with multiple men for money in recordings being offended by a mate watching nude females? The degree of absurdity, seemingly "accepted" from or overlooked from females is astounding.

id: 470206 - Text: Hmmm, a sexually-oriented video production actress being embarassed by people seeing her nude.

id: 470207 - Text: Hmmm, three and one half years in a drug-laden "abusive" relationship is, somehow the male's fault?? Hmmm, a female "at the peak" of her sexually-oriented video production career becoming upset with her mate going to watch naked women.

id: 470208 - Text: The definition of rape seems to be highly amorphous to some females. Going to meet men involved with producing sexually-oriented material, possibly, if not likely using drugs and or alcohol before or during the meeting, possibly, if not likely discussing her sexually-oriented internet site, etc. then, "somewhow" they have sex, possibly, if not likely without her objecting nor leaving might not really meet a reasonable definition of rape. Having sex with someone then, later regretting the action and deciding, in one's mind, that it was rape and not her poor decision-taking, does not really make it rape. The dividing line between consentual sex and rape should not be a female's emotional regret about doing it. Furthermore, it seems that females might tend to talk amongst one another and discuss events. Perhaps, based upon less-than-accurate accounts by one, the others might "pour out" desired sympathy for her "traumatic experience" (that the night before was little more than routine sex with an ongoing mate), which might be "lapped up" by the subject female. Who, if the conversation does not turn to an episode of some soap opera or other tripe, might "run with" the notion of being the focus of group sympathy and start "playing the part" of a "rape victim". Notwithstanding the likelihood that she was, possibly actively and even eagerly involved in the supposed "rape". Quite likely, many men are in cages due to such absurdities.

id: 470296 - Text: This woman was unfortunately in a family whose father was weak, immature, twisted morally, and not a real Christian. Her mother was obviously fearful of the man, and could not protect her children. This hypocrisy of the father, and carelessness with his friendships, his own moral and sexual struggles affected his whole family of course. He could not love his wife and kids in the right way. As a result as daughters do, they need the proper affirmation from their father. This woman is beautiful, inside and out. I hope pray the best for her. The Lord is real, and saves sinners like us all.

id: 470317 - Text: Stop wearing bikinis in hot pants and thongs it should not even be legal a woman without modesty and refrain is like a gold ring in a pig snout a verse from the Bible. You shouldn't be going around trying to turn all the men and boys on that you can to glorify yourself that you're beautiful your lovely. You should be doing after a husband that someday yes. As men we look for closeness with a lovely woman cuz we know there's a feminine person there. Well it was always in my case. Which is even more of a turn on. And you women have to cuddle buns and much nicer than our butt. And you married women that are going around displaying yourself that way that is a form of adultery I know how women are and young girls you like to show yourselves off two guys oh I'm so sexy I'm so beautiful I'm so lovely maybe you are but you shouldn't be doing that for other men.

id: 470347 - Text: Sexuality makes liars of us all.

id: 470387 - Text: Good for her… glad she’s happy and in a stable mindset. Thinking people in sex work have no “other side” is total BS! I had a traumatic upbringing, had a kid young, made bad choices, suffered abuse, and ended up in SW…which actually helped me to discover my strengths and abilities. Despite having some bad experiences; there were great ones! When I was ready to be done I was. Screw the judgement… I found a great man and stuck faithfully to him. Funny enough it wasn’t a god or prayers that got me out. I needed self-love, self-guidance, and my intuition. I’m openly agnostic, healthy, happily married to an atheist, disciplined, and successful. 😂 We worked for it, not prayed for it….

id: 470394 - Text: It's human to make lots of bad choices... it's like life was designed for neither man or woman to be truly free and happy... nature has given men intense sexual desires that never dies even when men get old and wrinkly...and nature makes more beautiful women who think of us as creepy for looking at them with natural human urges..... what utter nonsense this life is... morality is the single silliest human construct that no one really questions or truly understands and it baffles me why most humans are not outraged by this seemingly unpopular and unnoticeable truth...
