31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 547650 - Text: Dang. I shouldn’t have watched the 3rd video. I felt so good for her after the second video and thought she was going to make it out. Sucks to know it didn’t work out…assuming this is all there is.

id: 547653 - Text: So many of these people were in the system as kids. I recently started fostering two teenage girls. There are extreme behavior issues and sometimes I just feel like I can’t help them at all. Then I come watch your videos to remind myself why I’m doing all of that no matter how hard it gets they know they have a safe, loving home with me and won’t end up on the street. I love them, and I think they love me, and I think that makes a difference.

id: 547665 - Text: After ALL the videos you’ve done. You’ve learned nothing about these streets and these 304s.

id: 547694 - Text: This video was pointless lol she dgaf about u.. she got what she needed from u

id: 547707 - Text: It’s funny how people’s comments turned nasty from the first video to this one. You all had so much empathy for what she’s been through and how hard her life is and had all your “prayers” ready but when she acts human and slips up now you’re full of judgement. Bunch of hypocrites.

id: 547717 - Text: after the first video i had like ok damn poor girl. But goddamn the sneaky smile like hahha i dont give a fuck is nasty. Yes girls like this need help but some choose it- wannabe crib-

id: 547722 - Text: damn :/ I really though Asriah will make it, sounded very confident in the las video, so heartbreaking

id: 547757 - Text: Crazy to see people my age in these videos. The world is real out here

id: 547759 - Text: I watched a few of jay williams prison videos on here, he explains how gangs operate inside. They're literally "human sharks" repeatedly preying on the weak(er) until they've taken everything from them. Some they befriend, act cool with them, hang around with them, but they are just a 'mark' used for things like holding the drugs, walking past guards with a shank, doing the crazy stuff, etc, and once they get caught the gang don't give a xxxx as this is what they planned! They just "use" people! He is just a gold-chain wearing waste of oxygen. HE makes HER sell HER body while he's sitting around issuing orders. Eh that's not a bad life! $1500-$2000 a day for doing nothing! SMH

id: 547761 - Text: She swayed back and fourth in the chair in all her videos. She just nervous. You cant elicit any change from her no matter where you take her or what you give her. She will still go run to the streets looking for dudes to bang for money. She had had 50 dudes a day banging her every day for the last 10 years. Thats all she knows. You cant make her stop. She has to want to herself, and she doesn't want to.
