58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 470732 - Text: Take a moment to realize the STAGGERING amount of pornstars who in their 20’s and 30’s committed suicide, overdosed on heavy narcotics like heroine, drank themselves to death, were murdered and died from diseases they caught in the business. It dissolves your conscience and self worth. The Porn industry feeds the lust that increases sex trafficking, rape, and addictions that tears lives to pieces.

id: 470787 - Text: I know y’all gonna bash me in the comments BUT she seems like she was sexually promiscuous from the beginning. She says EVERY man sexualized her and although men are overly sexual I just don’t believe every man in her life tried using her for sex. Probably something she was doing, then she ends up looking for all these random men, moving in and out with all of them and continuing to go online just looking for men, THEN just started porn because someone asked. Yea I’m not buying it, you were always like that🤷🏽‍♂️

id: 470816 - Text: A boy walks into to his fathers den where Dad is drinking a Schlitz tall boy watching TV--Dad asks what's up Son? Well Dad, tomorrow I have to give a speech to my class and explain the difference between the words "theoretically and realistically"... Dad takes a long drink and says Boy, is your Sis home? His Son says yeah Dad she's upstairs... Ok Boy, go up and ask her if for 500 thousand dollars would she screw the high school football team on the 50 yard line in front of a sold out stadium.. Ok Dad! So his Boy went upstairs and found his Sis where he posed the question.. She said sure! Hell yes I would do that for 500 Grand! Boy went downstairs and reported the news to Dad.. Dad says ok Boy is your Mom home--yeah Dad she washing dishes in the kitchen--Ok Boy, go ask your Mom if she will have sex on the front lawn with the neighbors dog for 500 hundred grand--Ok Dad... Boy goes into the kitchen and asked Mom... she yelled at Boy and said my God what kind of a question is that anyway??! But of course for 500 Thousand I would do that.. Boy walked back in and told Dad the answer--He said Dad what does all that mean? Dad said well Boy it's like this, Theoretically we're millionaires, realistically we're living with a pair of whores....

id: 470820 - Text: So much of what Chrissy said resonated with me. I was considered a pretty child and I was molested when I was around 7 years old that I can first remember. That man called me the C word and said that was all I was and was grabbing my vagina through my clothes. It was painful and I didn’t even know what the C word meant until I went to the library and stealthily looked it up in the unabridged dictionary. I actually started looking under K. I was an early reader but I still didn’t understand the disturbing connotations of that word. I just knew it was a word used in reference to the vagina, the place I had been prodded and squeezed. When I was in the 5th grade I had to walk a two block gauntlet to school. Creepy men would come outside and sit in the dark of their garages before and after school and call out gross sexual things to the young girls. Most of it I didn’t understand until high school. There were many instances where I was molested, sexualized, objectified and traumatized in my childhood and early adulthood. I certainly wasn’t doing anything to invite this abuse. I felt so debased. I started feeling that I didn’t want to be pretty anymore and I didn’t want any guy looking at me because I wondered what they were thinking or they would leer at my body. I just wanted to be invisible. Congratulations Chrissy on your new life. You deserve every bit of your hard earned happiness.

id: 470839 - Text: It is so sad and aggravating that women are abused but then they use the one thing sex to control men and doing porn totally screws with everyone’s head as to normal and moral. The scales tip towards women way to much when it comes to the power of who has the day so in sex. Too bad women don’t enjoy it as much as men. If they did no need for porn , abuse , rape , and sexual jealousy. Also so many women use it as a tool. Men don’t have that option

id: 470860 - Text: It's amazing all of these women with these stories of being abused and molested they always speak of protecting other people when other people are abusive or inappropriate you see the inner strength of the people who are abused. Also in her story you can see a breeding ground for this behavior being accepted; it's adults who are responsible for enabling or not enabling that type of environment.

id: 470866 - Text: Porn lost a true queen and superstar... there is no god, none, all your imaginary friends and illusions are just like Santa for adults, a sad shelter for former f up's...Hurts no to see her with 4k video having lesbian sex... no matter what you fools say, we will keep enjoying her videos... ask your god if he can do something about it

id: 470873 - Text: So many emotionally damaged, naive girls. Still wearing the sex programming sex kitten leopard print

id: 470905 - Text: Preachers at Churches can lead double lives even on a smaller scale without doing the biggies or the extremes...... One Church I attended in the late 80s/ early 90s, the Pastor was brutally abusing his son by spanking him too hard & too excessively, and also starving him & depriving him of nutrition. A lot of abuse/ control happens at Churches by Pastors who wouldn't dare break any of the biggies like drinking alcohol or pocketing money or sexual molesting, yet they do other things on a smaller scale and then try to justify it. And since they're not breaking the major rules in the Bible including the ten commandments, everyone thinks they're okay......

id: 470906 - Text: Better to be broken and cute I suspect than just broken. There seems to be an assumption on this channel that sex workers need saving. What about every bugger else?
