31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 548047 - Text: 300-400 a day for your kids? Dude wtf you are enabling this woman. I’ve seen her videos. She’s nice but she’s using you.

id: 548048 - Text: Exactly. Given how many of these types he interacts with in his videos you'd think he'd be a little wiser to this stuff. I can only imagine how long the lineup of previous Marks stretches, all of them thinking the exact same thing: "no no, I'm different to the rest, I can save her, we have a special connection". Being a helpless victim of da streetz in need of a middle aged saviour is clearly a lucrative gig.

id: 548052 - Text: I just went back and watched her last video. She has been in this life for 10 years and she’s only 23. She said trying to change is scary, she was taught to survive, by any means necessary. I want to believe she did try to walk away but what’s familiar and normal to Asriah pulled her back down. The demeanor she’s showing now is based on feelings of defeat and a disconnect from hope, ironically it’s the word on the hoodie she chose to wear. I pray her boys are safe and well loved. This is sad.

id: 548073 - Text: I agree this is really sad. I had so much hope for her after the second video and now this … just sad all around. She had a great opportunity ans just chose not to take it.

id: 548084 - Text: Mark, I don’t know how many of these you read. I am a new subscriber to your channel and have no idea how I ended up here. I love what you do and how you expose the harsh realities of life. Human psychology and sociology have always been a huge love of mine, although I don’t formally study it. I have been watching hours and hours of your videos and I cannot get enough. My brother is a avid user and even managed to work his way into a Mexican cartel. So I know far too well what drugs will make people do to not just themselves, but strangers. Thank you for all that you do for some of these people. Keep up the amazing work.

id: 548086 - Text: You could tell in the 2nd video, she didn't want to be there.

id: 548088 - Text: It's amazing how few people in the comments appear to have seen this coming. Her demeanour in the second video is so clearly deceptive, and you don't even need the benefit of hindsight to see that she's just saying what she's calculated that you want to hear (and it's always the same clichéd, emotionally manipulative script with this type of person: "I'm finna get ma life bake on trake fo ma keeds, so pay up"). Also, the fact that you chose to end the video by absolving the two thieves of all responsibility for robbing you and instead blame "the rich for uhhh not sharing their wealth" seems very much like a copout. They didn't rob you because the rich aren't sharing their wealth, they robbed you because they're predators and they'll rob anyone naive/dumb/gullible enough to trust them or think they can see the good in them. These types will never miss an opportunity to exploit that kind of thinking and were no doubt laughing about it (and you) all the way home, likely via their meth dealer to spend the rest of your donations. As for this video, and for anyone mistaking her body language for shame/regret, she spends the entire 15 minutes with her chest puffed out, head tilted upward, half rolling her eyes and looking down her nose at you with a mixture of defiance and sneering contempt. In her head, she's already rationalised why you deserved to be robbed, which will be because you already have plenty of money. I realise I sound bitter but I'm just being honest lol, please learn from this experience - people like these two love preying on and tricking people like you. They think it's funny, and the feeling of superiority they get from having outsmarted you gives them a big dopamine hit. Furthermore, if you think that your disappointed and wounded tone is going to get through to her and one day make her stop and think "wow I really hurt him, he's such a nice guy and I feel guilty, this can't continue" you're dead wrong. She literally does not care one iota - it's straight on to the next chump now that your usefulness is spent.

id: 548120 - Text: Sorry but she seems ungrateful. She is smirking through the video. Some people just don't want to help themselves. There is nothing you can do.

id: 548122 - Text: Wow! So very different from her first video I watched. I really hope one day she finds the strength to give herself a new beginning in a different state, a whole new identity away from all these abuses. She has so much worth, so much more than this!

id: 548138 - Text: You can justify it all you want but she played you. Not even a fake apology. But the video that hit 8 million made you over $48,000. I guess live and learn. You're just another john to her.
