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id: 470913 - Text: The industry is inherently bad. Most of women and some men involved have come out and spoken about the broken parts of themselves that led them to get involved in the first place- usually it’s child abuse and/or a drug problem. These are not whole, adult people just indulging in sex for the fun of it. It’s a lie of the industry to act like these are consenting adults without acknowledging the coercion and manipulation and drug use and often times violence that goes on behind the scene.

id: 470956 - Text: So this woman is getting banged on camera and she’s worried about her BF going to a strip club? The complexity of the sex trade. Huh.

id: 470989 - Text:  @michealjones3297  we use such vague terms dont you think...this persons bad, but this ones good. Sex positive is great but porn is terrible. Sex work is real work but if the girl has emotional issues then some man must pay. So much BS but Im sure every ignorant comment has a well meaning if virtue signalling intention.

id: 470991 - Text:  @ufomofo  I didn't mean accountability for doing porn, I meant for anything that went wrong in her life, not the sexual assaults though, but she took no responsibility at all for her decisions

id: 470992 - Text:  @michealjones3297  100% the poor kid was like a lamb. She just wanted to be able to find connection with a father figure. It's not the sex that's important to her, not sure exactly what it is. Don't suppose she even knows herself

id: 470997 - Text: "It's sad and I wish it wasn't so accessible." It would help if there was less nudity and sexual references on normal TV (and these days thats compounded by woke). X rated porn itself is actually harder to 'access' as most of the time, at least these days, one has to actually type in a search for it, or be on illegal sites, like streaming or sw cracking sites etc to be subjected to x rated ads. If someone simply doesnt search for it, and avoids illegal sites, then they wont see porn. If someone doesnt go to the porn aisle at the newsagent or the truck stop, they wont be bothered by it. Its like her story: people in her environment were suggesting and recommending her to go into modeling and porn, and she eventually buckled and chose to go in that direction. The career was a bit off, her life was a bit off, she succumbed to the temptation. Its somewhat of a shame she didnt accumulate more of a retirement or investment portfolio out of the whole experience. However, she seems to have found her way through. More than can be said for many other people, particularly those that get completely ruined by hard drugs.

id: 471017 - Text:  @PouthSaw  , I can tell you have put in some work already, and I commend you for it. I don't know if your motivation is the desire for a family, but I hope so. There is an artificial influence in our culture that is turning young people away from wanting marriage and children in their lives, which is a huge mistake and the source of consequences effecting society today. There is so much personal meaning and purpose in raising children, and observing how they develop and grow eliminates alot of the identity confusion going on, in the same sense that farm kids have no need for sex ed classes. Bc, duh. Lol. But all the emotions you are working to restore within you are the same that are nurtured in a family environment. It also provides you with a better understanding of your own abuses suffered, bc even though every child is unique, they tend to track religiously to a developmental schedule in the early years, which is why we note a baby's age in months. These milestones are consistent across human children, like when a baby will learn to crawl, talk and walk, etc. By raising a child from birth to the age at which you were exposed to porn, you get the opportunity to evaluate exactly what happened to you, to assess the severity of the disturbance, to comprehend the vulnerability that was preyed upon, and in protecting your child from having the same done to them, you heal miraculously. It is the natural way to right past wrongs, heal old wounds, and start a new cycle of life. Raising children gives us a better understanding of people, in general, makes us more compassionate, less critical, more accepting of ourselves. It helps us be more realistsic about life and people, and keeps us from automatically taking everything personally. It teaches us how to willingly and eagerly sacrifice for someone that has effortlessly stolen our heart and plunged us into the most innocent love and infatuation with their every tiniest move or sound. Before my first child, I didn't want to give up my social life to stay home with a baby, after she was born, she became my entire social life because she was where I wanted to be. There are loads of lonely people out there, and lots of them are young and hopeless. Many think it's wrong to bring children into this troubled world, but it is the exact opposite. Children is how we fix what is broken in ourselves, so that we are up for fixing the world we intend to pass down to them. Anyway, my actual point in responding to your comment was to offer a mental trick to help ease the changing of habits and make that part of the brain more flexible to letting go of bad ones and making a path to replace them with new ones, targeting one tiny detail of our daily routine behaviors at a time. It involves deliberately and decidedly disrupting an established order of steps, like your morning routine for example. All you do is change the order of a sequence of steps in a routine, and in so doing you unlock a childlike ability to take in new info and adapt to any situation. It is almost unbelievable how well this strategy works, and almost no one that naturally does it is even aware that they do. I am one of those people, but I didn't know it was unique or rare or until like last year, and I'm 51. Now that I know, I want to give it everyone, bc it works and gives just about anyone something to work with. Good luck with what you're doing, and stay with it. Only after you experience what can be gained through deeply connecting with other human beings will you see how inadequate the thrill of porn is to fill that natural need and desire for a more meaningful existence. To borrow the title of a book and a movie, it is like water for chocolate. Take care and cheers!

id: 471040 - Text:  @Cobe1976  I haven't had sex since 1976. What's an old man who's horny once or twice a month supposed to do?

id: 471058 - Text: ​ @PouthSaw  Thanks for being open to the discussion. This is not a thing with simple solutions. On one level, porn is like sugar: very refined and goal-oriented, gets you off but can form and train your thinking. Learning and catharsis are both very potent ingredients, on a conscious level, and there are many results on the emotional level. Porn/erotica are many things, produced through many means, consumed differently by different people, on many levels and with different outcomes. Amia Srinivasan (author of "The Right to Sex"), who otherwise sympathises with the second-wave feminist movement, does not believe in censoring, and she thinks better sex-ed is not going to stop the emotional attractiveness of porn. But open discussion and personal consciousness would teach (or de-train) a moderation in consumption. Censorship would only serve carceral and anti-democratic solutions. But "what we need is the onslaught of images to just stop for a moment". (Prospect, Aug/Sep 2021) That stopping is, I think, about personal moderation and conscious thinking.

id: 471059 - Text:  @lauracampa1838  Society portray porn as many things. Normalisation is far from complete in a world where VISA and Mastercard blocked money services to Pornhub, because they had a fraction of the illegal content of Facebook. Or with recruitment departments shunning people with a track record as sex workers. Or with those 16 or so US states declaring pornography a public health crisis. Or with FOSTA/SESTA legislation conflating sex trafficking with perfectly voluntary business agreements. And we still (in many countries) have a society where lots of people think "kink" is a bad word, sexual minorities should straighten up and purity balls are a proper way of keeping your teenager safe and happy.
