58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 471087 - Text:  @runrabbitrun4342  There are not many men left that don't do porn or are addicted to it. Saddest part of it is that they dare to start a relationship with a not knowing woman ruining her life also. I wish i could warn every women for those kind of men but i think a lot of women can't be happy on their own. They prefer to stay in those kind relationships where the man isn't even attracted to them anymore because they want unrealistic bodies and don't know what real sex is about anymore. Sad but true. These are sad times in general.

id: 471103 - Text: This is what Christianity does to kids. It's an evil blood sacrifice cult that teaches kids shame and guilt about their own body. It leads to sexual deviance in boys and men which leads to girls like this being hurt and the cycle continues. It's sick

id: 471153 - Text: I saw this video on the sidebar and thought I would listen to what she had to say. I expected to hear excuses, transference of blame, and claims of victimization, and I wasn't disappointed. I have known people who were molested as children, and they never took off their clothes for money, turned to the skin industry, or got reamed in front of a camera. One doesn't follow the other, unless that particular individual wants it to happen. These were the choices she made. No one held a gun to her head and took advantage of her. She did it because it was easy. She did it because it was readily available. She did it because it didn't take much forethought or required any specialized training or education. She did it because she could make a lot of money in a short time. She did it because it was reckless, sinful, and felt good. She did it because she wanted to. Minimal effort/maximum gains. All this talk about finding a husband, and becoming a mother is bullshit. There's not a woman in this world who is thinking about settling down, getting married, and starting a family, when she's jumping into bed with every Tom, Dick, and Harry, while dropping her britches for cameras on command. I'm not sure who she is, or how old she may be, but dollars to doughnuts she found the Lord, came to her senses, and left the "Industry," after her glory days were over, and her sexual market value had tanked. So, are we to believe the Lord couldn't have found her before she defiled herself? The timing of her religious conversion is as suspicious as it is convenient.

id: 471166 - Text: Almost everytime it comes down to abusive , unloving parents or sexually abused as kids.

id: 471180 - Text: "sexually abused as kids." Happens so easily.

id: 471201 - Text: Porn STAR? Sex Worker who gets recorded.

id: 471232 - Text:  @monitorlizard9971  No, I'm older than you by around 6 years. I simply have a more complicated concept of what 'good men' is and should be. " It isnt that all people are bad or however you state it. " I agree. I wouldnt even say that. I did reply to another comment elsewhere and said something like 'abusive people are ubiquitous'. These SWU videos are evidence of that to be honest, he pretty much has endless material, he could make these videos until the day he dies. I would agree with you that anyone can be surprised by the kindness or good deeds of strangers. My argument is simply that there are those that do it with no particular philosophy of life or code that is guiding them. And then there are those that consciously decide to be good or righteous, and are guided by a strong philosophy or code. Whether someone goes to church, or smokes tobacco, or dresses like a bum, or whatever is just superficial. Only when the individual demonstrates their value can you know for sure. So, I would conclude that its risky for you or anyone else to make the assumptions that you did in the conclusion of your first post. There you use phrases like "every guy you meet", "Even good men", etc. implying that all men consume porn, that good men consume porn, that 'good men' are likely to only view her as a sexual object to use. The 'good men' that you refer to is a straw man argument. They dont really exist. It is true that they might hold the door open for her, like a gentlemen, then drool over her arse, how are they then also 'good men'? It deserves far more analysis and thought than you give it.

id: 471245 - Text: After watching this upload a person could sit back and judge this lady for her poor choices and stubbornness. But the truth is; no one is in a position to judge her. You never know what a person has gone through in their life to end up in their circumstances. Sexual abuse, abandonment, addiction, poor family background and any other terrible situation you can think of. This is what it took for her to realize God is real and he stepped in and saved her beautiful soul. It’s an honor to witness God’s love and mercy!

id: 471270 - Text: Crissy Moran… she was so beautiful and sexy. You’d think she enjoyed doing porn. To see her now is a great experience for me. She is so much more beautiful today and very special. Damaged children grow up to be damaged adults. I’m so happy she is doing better. Good for her.

id: 471274 - Text: So she literally has sex for money but her boyfriend can't go to a strip club, is actually a pornstar but can't sleep in the same bed as her boyfriend, doesn't want her many boyfriends looking at pics of other women, and she's the one with trust issues. The amount of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy on display here is amazing.
