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id: 471319 - Text: Ladies, please remember...the streets are cold. So dont be stupid and pick a nice man to have a nice family of your own as soon as possible...or keep wasting your youth and time in the clubs. Also....if your man is high value in the sexual market, you will have to share him or go back to the streets.

id: 471322 - Text: Sky wizard. Couldn’t add an 11th commandment saying don’t sexually abuse children or that women have equal rights to men.

id: 471349 - Text: I'm confused she is having sex with strangers on camera for money, and this 'good guy' goes to a strip club and she is devestated?

id: 471384 - Text: If we're hanging out with my friends and they were looking at my daughter in a sexual way and calling her pretty I would put a fucking gun in their mouth and kick them off my property and never speak to them again. That shit will not fly with me. That's fucking sick and creepy

id: 471400 - Text:  @Darronsanderson  Go out and have some sex, man.

id: 471449 - Text: Wait wait wait wait wait wait 35:00 she was a porn star at the top of her career, having sex for money and she left a nice guy because he was at a strip club? But she was with an abuser for 3x as long? The nice guy was kicked to curb, just like that? Broke up with her boyfriend because a guy prayed with her? Interesting. It sounds like her capacity to form emotional bonds has been traumatized out of her. Actually, after thinking about it, I've seen this so much. She wants marriage because she thinks it will make her happy, but what she really wants is to feel safe. Safe isn't love. Her relationship doesn't sound very healthy, but I don't think she knows what a healthy relationship is. I'm glad she found someone who loves her though.

id: 471470 - Text: Freud would say that daddy's sexual obsession (his daughter), is HIS and nobody else's. That's HIS sexual obsession. He doesn't even have to touch her, buy the message remains. No wonder she won't into porn..... Florida.

id: 471578 - Text:  @Darronsanderson  okay… and your point? I’m happy for her to have moved away from that industry.. and honestly don’t care how much she makes/has made. As someone who has experienced domestic abuse, both as a child and into my adulthood and has been sexually assaulted, I can understand and relate to a lot of what she described regarding her feelings of self esteem and self worth. It can be difficult to gain self awareness, self esteem and self worth and move away from unhealthy habit patterns. Your accusation of people “crying rape” is really insensitive. It’s an awful thing to experience and as a man you are less likely to be assaulted in this way.

id: 471597 - Text: Yeah but I honestly am confused as to how she kept running into sexual predators ..?

id: 471610 - Text: ​ @jojobee42  people who have been sexually abused in their childhood tend to do that, yes.
